Friday, December 14, 2007

CBS and Santita Jackson Show - MLB's Juicy Screwup

I did an interview today with Santita Jackson, daughter of Rev. Jesse Jackson. I also appeared last night on the Dom Giordano Show on CBS Radio. Dom is a cool conservative, one of the few cool dudes in the bunch. I just can't get mad at him the way I get mad at Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. The guy is just too decent, and I actually listen to him when he talks. The last time we were together was when he was filling in for Bill O'Reilly. I hope that this guy gets additional promotions within the Conservative Nazi Heirarchy. He deserves to be near the top. Hannity does not.

As far as Santita Jackson goes, she is a good friend with whom I've had alot of wonderful conversations. She teaches me alot and I respect her. It's ironic to me that she reminds me alot of Wendy Williams: they are both major divas, have alot of hair and I love them both to death. But their personalities are incredibly different: I am not sure how well they would get along. Either way, it's always an honor to spend time with either of them.

What is true, however, is that they are both amazing radio show hosts. I think that Santita's show should be nationally-syndicated (she's the best on WVON, along with my friend Roland Martin) and I consider Wendy to be the second most powerful black woman in media, next to Oprah Winfrey.

We talked about Major League Baseball and this Mitchell Report. In case you're not aware, this report blows the whistle on steroid abuse and shows that Barry Bonds had alot of partners in this thing. I love how the conservatives wanted to call Marion Jones and Barry Bonds immoral cheaters. I can't wait to see how they deal with Roger Clemens.

But it's no secret that Clemens was juiced. No 42 year old is expected to be able to play like a teenager. What is also true is that this is just the tip of the iceberg: there are alot of other players involve who were not named in the report. I also have two quick thoughts about steroid use:

1) the owners should have been held more accountable - Mitchell is on the board of directors for Disney, the group that owns ESPN, which is the primary television partner for Major League Baseball. He's not going to go too far with this report.
2) it's not going to stop. Steroids are out of the bag and there is going to be an arms race between the testers and the inventors to find something that is undetectable that still enhances performance. There's too much money at stake, and many players can't do anything else if their baseball careers don't materialize in a favorable way.

This is just the beginning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here is the deal.
back in the day, heads used steroids that come up in any drug test , whether it was a drug test that detected THC or another. lately, the drugs have gotten more sophisticated. some you can't even detect.

once they figure that out, they will figure out that alot more people then they expect are juicing.

my dad was a body builder and i seen all kinds of stuff. some 'roids are around that work so subtly, its crazy.

Back in the day, we all knew that Canseco and Mcgwire were juicing. all of us wanna be pro ballers. when mcqwire went for the record, they knew he was juicing yet for some reason (i wonder why) the media went after bonds.

no one has said one word about dude's record.