Friday, December 14, 2007

Dog, Imus and the Racist Propaganda Machine

Apparently, the bigots are getting more sophisticated in their ability to spread their message and use the web for damage control. I got alot of posts and emails recently from people firmly defending Don Imus and Dog the Bounty Hunter after their racist rampages that got them off the air. I had my techy dudes look into it, and it turns out that they were being sent to me in droves by websites specifically designed to support Don Imus and Dog The Bounty Hunter.

How stupid.

These guys are racists, and networks that support these guys are racist. They represent the fact that the media has never had the interests of people of color at heart. Had a black man been working for CBS sports and referred to all white people as "Oily skinned crackers", his black butt would NEVER be allowed back on the air after making such a horrendous statement.

Don Imus, Bill O'Reilly and Dog the Bounty Hunter should all be taken off the air and replaced by black women. In spite of their desire to claim fairness, there are almost no black women who have shows on these networks. That's pathetic and patently unfair.

If you think that this is fair, then that's your problem, not mine. By subscribing to such beliefs, you are only continuing the 400 year racist tradition on which this country was founded.

That's real.


kid said...

Hey Dr,Watkins hello. Your boy Bill was on his show saying that Clements record should not be checked. He quoted law statues and such. You must be Nostradamus. It's shocking that you haven't had any post on here so far. Kowboy Klannity Kostello had Dog on his show. Both Innis males said that they are going to try to get his advertisers back. DAMN, call a black person n-gger and you get your job back. I'm just a brother with a minimum wage job but I hate the H-ll out of fox. You seen how the black bloggers responded to Jena. Let's start a Mfacane on Fox. Oreilly said on one of his shows "they are trying to stop RICH WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN FROM RUNNING AMERICA." WE MUST STOP FOX. Get a world boycott on their movies ,dvd, games. It will work . How do I know?He dogged out France , Spain, the Muslim world. So Let's get Fox at the wallet. Bigot Bill on his show had the "criminals gone wild " tape he had a brother with cornrows (articulate) agreeing with Bill.It was similar to the nazi rats tape of the final solution.Now i will try to work with other groups but, most importantly let's bankrupt Fox. Blacks helped build it, now whites are trying to tear us down.
Let's turn that mutha Fox out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. Fox News has gotten more and more racist over time, and Bill O'Reilly feels comfortable saying whatever he wants about black people. I am certainly behind the idea of black people staying as far away from that network as possible. I don't have a problem with many fox shows, and I even watch Family Guy on my DVR. But shows like Hannity & Colmes and The O'Reilly Factor make me sick to my stomach. I am also amazed that their racism is so easily forgiven, while my status as "the angry black man" leads me to receive the ire from my university.

Black people have to be strong under such American hypocrisy. I recommend taking note of which corporations that sponsor fox news shows and then writing them letters letting them know that you will no longer purchase their products. It may not get their attention right away, but it is a solid moral stand to take.

Black people should not put our money into corporations that support networks that continue the racist traditions of our country. Racism is a disease and many people are infected. That is why they react so strongly and angrily when they are called out. I see it every single day.

Unknown said...

I can't see how anyone can defend Dog (i used to dig his show and thought he was decent cat). His statements were clearly racist. the entire conversation was wack. i just don't understand that.

Imus, weak. no excuse. its funny cause when i was in the Navy, the guys in my division used to watch him and i used to point out how racist he was. the sly remarks, the skits, etc. alot of them agreed and stopped watching him. some didn't but wouldn't watch him around us.
he has always been that way.