Friday, February 22, 2008

Bill O'Reilly Wants to Lynch Michelle Obama: How Nice

Dr. Boyce Watkins

Call me a crazy black man, but why do I keep hearing commentators on major media outlets discussing the idea of lynching African-Americans? A golf channel analyst used the word to describe suggested treatment of Tiger Woods, and now Bill O’Reilly from Fox News has used it as a way to describe his feelings toward Michelle Obama. In fact, O’Reilly even said that he may have a “lynching party”, bringing back images of people gathered for family picnics to watch a charred black body hang from a tree.

In response to Michelle Obama’s recent comment about being proud of America for the first time, O’Reilly had this to say: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts that say this is how the woman really feels.”

At least he’s going to make sure Michelle Obama did something wrong before he lynches her, that’s awfully nice of him. O’Reilly’s comment takes you back 100 years to a time in which community Klansmen felt they were being “good people” by waiting to hear the evidence before going to the black man or woman’s home to have them shot, burned, maimed, stabbed or castrated.

Fortunately, Michelle Obama has taken the classy route and is only taking Bill O’Reilly as seriously as the rest of us do. He may as well be called “Irrelevant O’Reilly”, as both he and Sean Hannity gained their popularity in a post-911 world, built on fear, anger and negativity. The “Post-Post-911” period in America appears to be one of bringing people together and moving forward, not allowing the extremists such as Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and O’Reilly to dictate the dialogue. The War on Terror has been as successful as the War on Drugs and we are finding that working together achieves far more than bullying our way through foreign and domestic policy.

I have dealt with Bill O’Reilly up close on many occasions. Three months ago, he had my picture slapped up on his show for 5 days in a row, calling for me to be fired from Syracuse University for insulting him and his Bojangled Caricature of a sidekick, Juan Williams. My refusal to appear on his show earned me an entire episode of anger and nasty attacks by both he and his conservative guests. Perhaps this too qualifies as the type of “lynching party” he plans to give Michelle Obama, I’m not sure. I consider myself lucky, for a “lynching party” 100 years ago would not have consisted of meaningless words, it would have put my black butt in a casket.

I am sure Bill doesn’t truly want to physically lynch Michelle Obama, but there are many ways he could have expressed his frustration. Mrs. Obama could have been challenged on her remarks, criticized for them, and even taken to task on O’Reilly’s show. But the fact that Bill O’Reilly, a man whose racism exceeds both Don Imus and David Duke, would choose the word “lynch” to describe Michelle Obama is not only disturbing, it’s downright revealing. What’s more revealing is the fact that Fox News has not felt the need to punish O’Reilly for his remarks, implying that it is ok to talk about lynching a woman who might be the First Lady of the United States. I am not sure he would have gotten away with offering to send a prominent Jewish woman to “the concentration camp”, no matter what she had to say.

Bill O’Reilly is not only racist, he is unpatriotic.

How can you love your country when you want to have a “lynching party” against the wife of a Presidential candidate? While he is quick to jump on the anti-Muslim bandwagon in the War on Terror, O’Reilly is the first to use terroristic words to describe his reaction to the potential First Lady. This should alarm all of us, whether we agree with Michelle Obama or not.

America has many enemies, both foreign and domestic. Overzealous commentators, draped with the American flag, making terroristic threats toward our leaders are first and foremost among them.

Dr. Boyce Watkins is a Finance Professor at Syracuse University and author of “What if George Bush were a Black Man?” For more information, please visit


kid said...

Don't you think this is crazy ? He does this every day . The only newschannel that talking about this is MSNBC.The only newsperson that's talking about a boycott of Bill is Obermann. You wonder why Juan Williams isn't commenting on this. Other than some black blogsites, no major African American is talking about this.Someone should do a South African type disvestment program against Fox News. Rupert Murdock took a lot of money from the black community watching his shows, now we need to take some of that money back.Maybe people and corporations need to take money out of the banks that Rupert do business with. By the way someone should tell Al Sharpton to stop going on the number 1 and 2 bigot commentators show in the U.S., it only give Fox credibility ,yea right.

Anonymous said...

Juan Williams is a toby. He will do anything to stay on t.v with the white boys. Tavis Smiley is another ass kisser,so beware.His goal is to derail Mr. Obama's train to the white house.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who is bi racial, half African American and half Eastern European Jewish is disturbed by the "Jewish woman to the concentration camp" reference in Dr. Boyce's article. If we indeed are looking for true brotherhood, even the slightest of hurtful words must never be used. There were so many other ways of putting it. Why further divide an already unfortunate situation? Many Jewish brothers and sisters support and adore Barack and Michelle. Especially since it is the written word and there is lots of extra minutes for editing something that might be inappropriate. We can no longer preach love with even the slightest bit of hatred in our hearts. The time has come to join and heal.

Anonymous said...

For once I agree with Bill O'Reilly. This whole country seems to blinded by this couple, who came from where. All of a sudden Obama is being identified with Dr. King, Malcom, and Medgar, and countless other Civil Rights Leaders, even though he was hiding in Hawaii, away from the movement. I hope all Hillary Clinton supporters vote Republican. Those of us who supported her have been all kinds of names, so now they have another one to call us. 'REPUBLICAN'

Anonymous said...

"REPUBLICAN" after you vote please take your Bill O'Reily support and join the US military. You will be needed to fight the REPUBLICAN war in Iraq.

Anonymous said...


*Tanyetta* said...

Okay, I watched the video and you have totally taken his comments out of context. This "He took us back 100 yrs" is ridiculous and victcrat mentality. You are one the road to be President and if you get this bent out of shape over this remark then you're in the wrong business.

Anonymous said...

If a "man on the street" said that about George, or even Laura, Bush the Secret Service would take him down in a minute.

A threat is a threat regardless of race. When race gets thrown in, you get a hate crime, too!

Anonymous said...

Bill is a clown and some others on the far right are just as bad. It just bothers me so much that race is such an issue in the current presidential race. Another writer over on Highbrid Nation wrote a piece about how very recently Repulicans have been surverying college students to see how far they could push the racial stereotype language before people would say its too much. How crazy is that?! It'd be nice if we could judge these canidates on thier teadership skills and nothing else. I know, thats not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that we even have to discuss what was meant by his comment. When is it ever appropriate to hateful and disrespectful. Mrs. Obama is entitled to feel whatever way she chooses about this country or anything else for that matter. This does not mean she is anti-american. She does not have to love her country blindly, she can like anyone love her country and still be critical of it. Kind of like what we have to do as parents. We always love our children but not always proud of them. I dont need to defend her at all. What concerns me is what we mistake as patriotism these days. Hate mongering, oppression, starting wars, dismantling the middle class, all these things and more have been done in the name of patriotism by the current administation, so I ask who is unpatriotic and do they qualify for lynching also.

Anonymous said...

It's a total disgrace that Fox News would allow "Irrevelent O'Reilly" to remain on air. It's one thing to stimulate the minds of people to think, but it's another thing to offer hateful rhetoric delivered in snide snippets to undermine ones thinking.

Now, Mrs. Obama said that, "for the first time in her adult life, she was really proud of America." What's the problem with that? During her lifetime, hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit New Orleans, and the president and federal government did nothing. Should Mrs. Obama, or any other American be proud, let alone really proud, of America's response to the American people? In fact, we Americans should be disappointed; and for some, it's probably the first time in their adult life when they've been really disappointed by America.

For the blogger with the bi-racial friend: Not that I have to clear up what Dr. Watkins said, but, do you see how the analogous comment Dr. Watkins made refering to concentration camps resonated with your bi-racial friend and you felt a need to respond against divisiveness? That's the emotion that resonates with Blacks when people talk about lynching. So when "Irrelevent O'Reilly," uses "even the slightest of hurtful words," he (and Fox News) must me confronted and taken to task by Dr. Watkins, me, you and your bi-racial friend to let them know that "we can no longer preach love with even the slightest bit of hatred in our hearts," nor should we broadcast hate under the guise of news analysis.

Anonymous said...

Why? Tell me why? is everyone so sensitive?????????????Let's talk about the $111 price of an oil barrel-let's talk about $12 Billion a month on IRAQ!! Let's talk about $374.00 EBT a month to buy food for a family of 3 when it cost's more like $450.00 a month for food-HELLO our ship is sinking in the US of A-join hands and open some of those GULF OIL RIGS that were capped in the 80's and 90's, so the food prices will come down-EXXON and the rest have made more than their share!!!!!!!!HELP ME WON'T YOU SOMEONE

Anonymous said...

Early on in the campaign, Michelle Obama in her speech said for us to not be afraid. She, as well as her husband were aware that Americans, especially Blacks, would be put through the test just because a Black Man was running for President. They knew the hardships they suffered trying to get their education being Black. Senator Obama knew how much he suffered dealing with recism while running for senator. After becoming senator, he was able to get a bird's eye view of how politics worked in the White House. Realizing that If blacks, latinos and economically stifled americans we going to advance, there had to be a CHANGE in the direction this country is headed. Barack felt it was his calling to run for President of the United States. All he needed was nerves and that he had. He saw we needed a CHANGE!

Baraack and Michelle were aware that they would be needing the support of established Black Political Leaders, Black organizations, churches, educators and professionals to "WORK BEHIND THE SCENES," watching Their back. . because we know we're dealing with the enemy. This is why they were saying in a settle way, not to be afraid.

Obama is smart enough to know that the best route is not to be indebted to lobbyist but to get his support from the grassroots for his campaign. He will not be bought. He is a great organizer, you can tell that by the way he has run his campaign. He knows how to put key people in the right place and raise money to make things happen. His skills dates back to when he was a Community Organizer in Chicago, Ill. The Clinton Camp sent their spies over to see what the heck he was doing. Clinton found out they were running their campaign the old school way. They had to immediately change their tactics if they were to keep up with the "Great Obama."

Why has Fox News been allowed to cover the Election in such a negative fashion and not receive any challenges from the black community? I've heard more White prople defend Barack Obama than our own people.

We seem to say "Barack Obama should have known what he was getting into when he ran for President." He's on his own. Hillary has the support she needs simply because she's white, not because she's right. Her people stand behind her and many Blacks too!

Whether Barack is black enough or not is not the question. I did not see any other Black on the Ballot running for President.

We are pitiful!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous states on March 17th that the Black community was pitiful due to the lack of response in favor of Obama. The problem is not that there is no response, there are few airwaves from which the response can be heard.

African Americans need to further develop media outlets that are not under the control of others. The Internet is the best opportunity for publishing African American concerns and opinions.

Anonymous said...

As a Whitey, I don't mind an inter-racial man running for president.

I would prefer one with some experience.

Mr. Obama has been co-opted and financed by mega liberal George Soros, just one of Barak's questionable social contacts. Such contacts are not new to politicians. But for one that speaks of changing the status quo...

Obama's hype seems to derive mainly from:
1) P.C. democrat politicians afraid that backing Hillary over Barack would make them "RACIST"
2) Mindless, Emotional Appeal from young people indoctrinated by the enept, liberal educational system, controlled by the intractable, democratically aligned Teachers' Union and lefty, marxist, free enterprise/capitlaist hating teachers.
3)or purhaps the same people that elevated Howard Dean to meteoric status only to dash him on the rocks just as a quickly over a silly holler at a campaign rally.

Look out, Barack

Anonymous said...

Glad you noticed Juan williams. if he wants to be a good analyst. He should try and find that honest balance in political ponditry.He needs it if he wants to be a comentator of relivance.Political season come and go, I do not think Juan wants his credibilty damaged in clinton /obama competition. If he does not like obama that is his right. He should just endorse clinton and quit masqurading as commentator when in real fact he is a suporter.

Anonymous said...

everyone just needs to keep their eyes & ears open between now and november and vote what your heart and mind tell you to. you would think that after all that this country has gone through we would be able to get past this race issue. and it is not all from one side or the other. we need to all learn how to assimilate into society and get along despite our philosophical differences. you know history shows that when both sides meet in the middle we are able to accomplish just about anything we set out to. GROW UP AMERICA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another Angry Racist Black Man.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Watkins - grow up and smell the roses - Obama has no credible past; he has no track record. All he has is his race and that, in and of itself, is pathetic. If there was a black candidate who was actually qualified to be president, I would gladly vote for him (her) but Obama - no way! He is all hype and no hope. Give me a break! You are having your 15 minutes of fame, hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone calls the forces lining up against Obama as racist. While I have no doubt there are racists out there, i also have no doubt that Obama has some hard questions to answer about his past and the comments made by his supporters. We seem to be well on our way to a to a Rigth Wing controlled Whitehouse as its going to be impossible for Obama to win if he does not explain these items. The little bit of pressure Fox is putting on Obama is nothing compared to what will come out in the GE

kingship said...

Boyce Watkins is a clown and race-hustler, cut from the same cloth as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (neither are legitimate "Reverends"). He looks for any hint of racism, real or imagined, (so long as it is against blacks). Watkins does this, not because he is a "Proud Black Man", but because he NEEDS this racial nonsense. It's how he makes his money. The sting of being called a racist has been lessened greatly, thanks to mofo's like Watkins consistantly crying wolf. Leave these simple minded morons behind. This Proud White Man believes that a great future in the USA has no place for those who would divide in order to enrich themselves.

Anonymous said...

I wish AMERICA would just get over this race issue. Obama is an AMERICAN, just like George Washington, Roosevelt, Lincoln, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Ronald Regan, and all the other presidents! Why oh why must he be considered different because his skin tone is darker than the other presidents? America shows its ugly head of racism when we choose not to vote for because of his color, not because you disagree with his political platform!! We are not looking at the real issues here. America's economy, morale, and pursuit of happiness is being jeopardized all because we as Americans are so superficial!!
Everyone read your history books, none of us are truly American, we are all from the seeds of immigrants who migrated here. Some ancestors came to make a better living and discover new territory, others were forced to work, belittled, and build up this wonderful country we call America. We need to stop looking at ourselves as individual colors, but as individual people.
I am talking to both white and black Americans. Our own arrogance and ignorance is our downfall. Until we REALLY treat everyone equally, America will sink like the unfortunate tragedy of the Titanic.
Racism is here in its true red, white and blue and America is showing out like a 2 year old spoiled brat!
Obama color should not have anything to do with whether you vote for him or not. Are we scared of change? What Bill O’Riley, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and some of the others forget that Obama just may be related to either one of them. So if they don’t like him because of his race than they don’t like themselves; Senator Obama is the seed of a biracial couple. However in a presidential race, we should not be discussing these issues but the country’s issues that are at hand.
Sometimes change is for the better. There are a lot of Americans out here suffering, our soldiers (black and white and others) are fighting for our livelihood, and when they return home, they have nothing but lost limbs, and high debt, and depression. Yet we are over in another country trying to tell and teach others how to live and govern their country. We have are own personal resources of oil here in the US but yet we are paying someone else 118-122 dollars per barrel. But we can't feed, or clothe, and take offer healthcare to someone who is less fortunate on our own soils?
Barack wants to try to better these things, as do some of the other candidates, but we are punishing, and scrutinizing Senator Obama because of his skin color, not because of his ideas of change and empowerment of the American people. His blood is still red like every American, his heart still beats, and his mind still thinks like every American, you know why because he is just as American as any Black American, White American, Asian American, Native American, and Hispanic American... He is the epitome of change and it is time for change in this close-minded country we call the land of the free, the home of the brave, and where everyone is “supposed” to be treated equal. I hope those who didn't believe racism was still here, knows now that RACISM has revealed is ugly head!

Anonymous said...

smh at those who feel this meant nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not certain how I managed to make it to September before finally hearing of this O'Reilly comment. Perhaps it is because I find him so hateful- I don't watch his show or listen to him on radio. Perhaps it's because the media swept it under the rug- they do that a lot these days. Maybe I haven't been paying close attention- I get jaded.

I just have to say that this comment was proof enough to me that the maggots in that man's brain have finally eaten through to his soul. He should be put down like a mad dog. Bill O'Reilly and his hateful ilk are the reason humanity is stymied in these difficult times. Rather than overcome their base nature they embrace hate and fear. It's obvious they will never evolve.

Society has a right to protect itself against the dangerous elements that threaten a peaceful existence. I say it is time to eradicate this negativity. Lets do something our forefathers did to the undesirable and criminals of their society. Tar and Feather the SOB and run him out on a rail! At least get him kicked off the air. We don't need any more of his poison.