Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dr. Boyce Video: Tavis Smiley vs. Barack Obama

by Dr. Boyce Watkins

I received alot of mainstream media requests about the situation between Senator Barack Obama and Tavis Smiley. Some interpreted my commentary to imply that I somehow wanted to take sides on this issue. I also received calls from some close friends of Tavis Smiley (but nothing personally from Tavis, who may be angry with me right now), who were concerned that I felt that Tavis was wrong for doing what he did.

I will now set the record straight.

I make it my primary objective to speak with complete honesty. I also found the situation between Barack Obama and Tavis Smiley to be disturbing. However, I do not consider either individual to be worthy of any form of persecution from the American public. I refused to do any mainstream media appearances to discuss this issue, because there are some things that black people need to discuss among themselves. I have a good relationship with the people at The Tom Joyner Morning Show and Black America Web, and it is my goal to keep it that way.

Tavis Smiley is a good man and a respectable brother. I want to see Barack Obama win this election, and Mr. Smiley has stated that he too celebrates Obama's success. It would never be in my plans to disrupt Obama's path to the White House, nor is it to add to the stress Tavis Smiley is clearly feeling right now. Did I take Tavis Smiley to task on what he said? A little bit, yes. But I only made my comments because I felt that some things needed to be said.

It is my personal opinion that while Tavis Smiley has no problem seeing Senator Obama jeopardize his race to The White House in order to appear at the State of the Black Union, I wouldn't expect Tavis to be willing to jeopardize one of his many corporate sponsorship deals to appear at someone else's forum. Also, if people were to accuse him of being anti-black for refusing to give up his sponsors, that would be wrong. While Smiley has proclaimed himself to be a tireless freedom fighter for the black community, I have never once seen him take Walmart to task for the way this company has consistently pillaged poor people and those of color. It would not be in Mr. Smiley's interest to do so, but yet the broader community would certainly benefit from such a commentary. Thus, like the rest of us, Tavis does sacrifice a little freedom for a little "me-dom" every now and then.

So, for those who are fans of Tavis Smiley, Tom Joyner or Barack Obama, please understand that my goal is to be fair, not to take sides. Tavis should have invited Barack to his conference, but for him to assume that anyone who is anyone in Black America should be attending the State of the Black Union.....well, that's just wrong. There are many forums in Black America that allow individuals to express their blackness, and his convention is just one of them.

Sorry to be honest brother, but I've got to tell the truth. I've had alot of people compare me to Tavis and we have alot of mutual friends. I will always respect you.

My video statement is below. A special thanks to the production crew for putting it together. For those who don't like the hip hop in the commentary, I'm sorry, but that's just me being Dr. Boyce.

Respect and Love:

Boyce Watkins


Black Papyrus said...

Dr. Boyce
Thank you for providing this forum.
You are doing a fantastic job. I appreciate your integrity in dealing with this matter as it relates to the mainstream media. You are an honorable man and this demonstrates to me that you are secure with yourself. I really thank you for providing a way for us to begin the healing process over this issue.

Anonymous said...

This is all becoming so ridiculous. Tavis has done nothing wrong in maintaining the same position he has maintained that all politicians must be held accountable. As black people in this country, we have always been taken for granted: our vote, our labor, or lives in general. Tavis has consistantly, for a vey long time, spoken out against the abuse and neglect we have suffered in this country as decendents of slaves.

Tavis has only reminded us, that as a wise old peson once said, "even when we are crying we can still see." In other words, just because we are excited about having the first black president does not mean we should no longer expect to have our needs met, as a people, especially by the ones we elect to serve us. We are the employers of the politicians we elect and as such, they are obligated to answer to us. This holds true for All POLITICIANS--it is a fundamental rule in politics ie, quid prop quo. When we invest our time energy and resources in a political candidate or party, we have a right to expect to be compensated equal to our investment.

Just because a man is running to be the first black president is no reason to heap this type of destructive criticism against Tavis. And to harrass his mother (as some have done) is the height of disrespect and a decisive step on the path to destruction for those involved.

This unfortunate shortsightedness is a pattern of behavior that we as black people have displayed throughout our history. Everytime the white population chooses a black political leader, we as black people then get behind that chosen leader and begin to degrade, marginalize, even ostracize all of the other black leaders who were there prior to the one chosen for us.

We SHOULDN'T do this. It doesn't serve our best interest. It is ugly, it is foolish and it does not contribute anything positive to the healthy growth and development of black people.

Why resort to being destructive and behaving with a mob mentality when, in fact, there is room in our troubled black lives for both Tavis and the man running to be the first balck president? Why must we only have one or the other? Why can't we have both?

Anonymous said...

Tavis poured liquid heat onto this heat onto his own head. Tavis is the one who pushed this issue on us unassuming radio listeners. Tavis is the one who keeps talking and he has made this issue into the monster that it has become.

Anonymous said...

Tavis is the saddest example of "Crabs in a barrel"

Are you , Tavis , aware of "If you can't say anything good, say nothing"

Tavis has done some good for Black
America and has benifited mightily
from Blacks coming to his aid when he felt unjustly fired from BET.

To think that Barack in a fierce fight to be President should leave the campaign trail to attend a conference of restating the state of Black America is beyond STUPID !

Tavis, your true colors of an oversized ego have been shown and you present yourself as not unable to handle another Black Man having more success than you-you should applaud it.

Yes, you want to bolster attendace
so you can sell more books(I use the term books losely)-
or reports of comments at the conference you put forth as a real book, but to bash Barack and to decline his wife's attendance shows you as a truely pouting little person.

Grow up - have some pride Tavis.

meettravis said...

Thank you for your video commentary and keeping the dialog open.
The points I find objectionable are your views on Tavis's Wal-Mart backing and not addressing Tavis's refusal to discuss his position and his position's fall-out regarding Obama with his audience.
As a host and facilitator of dialog between people I find Tavis's refusal to discuss his position symptomatic of a superiority complex or an unchecked ego.
Regarding Wal-Mart, how can you forget to denounce Tavis's ties to Wal-Mart concerning American people of color? It is Wal-Marts powerful lobbiest who work to keep the minimum wage at 'slave labor' levels/rates, not to mention the 'slave labor' Wal-Mart uses in other countries to produce its items for their US stores.
Regarding Tavis's refusal to discuss his position about Obama and his conference in New Orleans, why do you let him get away with not having a dialog about his stance/position? He has chosen a career as host and a facilitator of dialog between people. After he posted his position online he shouldn't be able to get away with refusing to discuss his petty stance.
(oh, and one other minor detail...)
My response to your blog entry and personal opinion saying, "I refused to do any mainstream media appearances to discuss this issue, because there are some things that black people need to discuss among themselves," -Shame on you! As the mother of a mixed race child I ask you, would you refuse discussing this because I'm not black?...?! What do you consider Obama, half African? I have just as much a right to be alarmed with Tavis's public discourse and this discussion as anyone else, at least on my daughter behalf. Don't you think? The vote I cast for Obama means everything to me, therefore Tavis's comments that might jeopardize my vote and the future I want for my daughter are a concern for me. To say this discussion belongs amongst black people only is so back-'ass'-wards considering we are all supporting and rooting for a 'half white' and 'half African' future, long over due, 'black' president!...

Unknown said...

you said the N Word.. NAFTA...

thank you brother!!!!

Anonymous said...

This was a comment that I tried to leave on Tavis’ message board, but got an email saying that it was “full”…must be all of the people like me compelled to respond to his unfortunate choice of timing.


I read that you “openly” criticized Barack Obama for declining an invitation to the State of the Black Union Forum in New Orleans. I am disappointed that at such a crucial time in Barack’s campaign you would choose to make public statements against him.

As a black woman, I am very excited about this moment in history and I believe that your statements regarding his decision are very short-sighted. Is it not more important that Barack do as much as he can to ensure that he wins this nomination by spending every minute possible in the remaining states? Not that the Forum is not important, but the timing is bad. If Barack wins, he will most likely be our next president and there is no doubt that future generations of black people will be positively influenced- much more so than any single Black Forum can do.

Yes, Hillary Clinton accepted the invitation, but she recognizes that she still needs to prove to America that she cares about the issues of the common “folk”- Barack has already made his case. She can’t win the white males, but she knows that she can win the black vote if there is an appearance that Barack doesn’t care by attending in his absence. The Clintons are ruthless politicians and they know this. Anyone with a brain larger than a pea knows the reason she’s attending.

Tavis, really, please see beyond the immediate. I’m sure that Barack will attend future Forums and draw even more attention to your cause as the President of the United States.




*Tanyetta* said...

what is the name of the book Tavis is holding?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Watkins is just as close minded and bigotted as the white men and people he critizes every day.

"Hello Pot...this is kettle..your black" says Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly!

Check this article out...pretty much says it all!$IOa-Mp3xg-$8mGIa_Fp-3_Lxg8mI_ap3x6Iap7x-$g8_RmIa-p9x4=101