Monday, December 10, 2007

Michael Vick is Still Not a Monster

I did this episode of Boiling Hot about Michael Vick not too long ago:

I still stand by my initial statements on the day that Michael Vick is sentenced. He got 23 months, which I feel was relatively fair, given that they could have done much more. But I encourage the world, as they judge Michael Vick, to remember the following:

1) He was 27 years old. Most of us did really dumb things in our 20s, I am no different. I would hate to have to pay for the rest of my life for one of those mistakes.

2) Vick is not the biggest monster on earth. People want to behave as if he did something so abnormally outrageous. Dog fighting is terrible, yes. But Dick Cheney and President Bush sent thousands of people to Iraq to die after telling lies to the American public. That is much worse, and they are not going to spend a day in jail because of it.

3) I hope Michael learns from all this. He screwed up by getting caught up in something stupid. I also hope he gets a chance to earn some money to pay these mounting bills that will surely be kicking his butt for a while.

4) The NFL needs to let Michael Vick back on the field. Banning this guy for life would be absolutely stupid.

5) Notice that I am being nice by defining the judge's sentence as "relatively fair". The federal sentencing guidelines were 12 - 18 months, so the judge used his discretion to decide that he didn't feel that Vick was truly remorseful. I wonder if Vick is eligible for the Paris Hilton treatment, where he can claim that jail makes him emotionally uncomfortable, so that he can be let out. Oh yea...I forgot....he's a black man....they're SUPPOSED to go to prison.

Here is another interview I did on CNN on the Michael Vick case. I told CNN and the other networks that I don't want to do anymore this time around. I've said all that I need to say:


Anonymous said...

Why would that judge care about remorse or contrition? In order to see human emotion, wouldn't he have to see a human being first?? He saw exactly what his father and grandfather saw in those photos from the Without Sanctuary exhibit.....and he did exactly what they would have done.

We don't understand the judge...and lets thank God that we don't.

Anonymous said...

finally someone in the black media world has the guts to stand up for Mr Vick and not be a sniveling coward afraid of negative white reaction as the others all have pretty much without exception! Also, no one who eats meat has the right to say a word about dogfighting!

Anonymous said...

I've found it!!! BlueBoy Media disabled the comments for Boyce's videos on youtube. I'm glad they have a new blog on