Sunday, December 9, 2007

Michael Vick House Up For Sale

I feel sorry for Michael Vick. I have tried my hardest to defend him on CNN and everywhere else, but I honestly think that this is going to be his last run as a football player. When I heard about the dog fighting situation, I really felt bad for him. He never seemed to realize that being on top today doesn't guarantee that you're going to be on top tomorrow. I've seen great athletes in my neighborhood with amazing ability end up in situations worse than if they'd never had any ability at all. I feel sorry for Vick, and I feel sorry for those who actually thought the Atlanta Falcons, the NFL or Virginia Tech ever gave a damn about him.

People ask me what I think about the Vick situation, and I honestly feel that it was a lynching. What happened to him shows what happens to any black man who makes white america angry, no matter what the cause. Let's be real: dog fighting is bad, but who actually thought it was worth losing your entire life and livelihood over? Also, there are tons of people who go deer hunting on a regular basis, shooting animals in the head, cutting out their guts and stuffing them on the mantle. How in the hell is that humane?

I wish Michael and his family the best, but I am not sure how he's going to recover from this one.


Anonymous said...

If you saw the 1975 movie Mandingo...then you're seeing Mike Vick play the real life version of Mede the Mandingo.

Anonymous said...

How could you feel sorry for him? Michael Vick wasn't dog fighting, he was dog SLAUGHTERING. It was torture. It's different than hunting. Hunter's will shoot an animal in the head. Instant death. They tear guts out after the animal's dead. Michael Vick was horribly and visciously inconsiderate of the well being of other creatures. He HUNG them for being too nice. He DROWNED them for not being mean enough to other dogs. Have you ever been hung to death, or gasped underwater for dear life until your lungs painfully burst to a watery death? Nope. But hey Michael Vick's ancestral race has. Ironic? What an idiot he is. Michael Vick was a horrible monster of a person. Hey he's a good athlete and he has family, and he seems nice enough, smiling in all his handsome pictures,let's say it's ok? HELL NO! Everybody has a family! A lot of people have dogs as a part of their family! I've got a family and do my damnest to scrape up a living for them, I've never hurt a fly, and this fool gets forgiveness just like that? And I don't want to hear from anybody that they're just dogs. Just? They're beings on this earth just like us. Who's to say they're lower than us? If you believe in God, then God, not you. If you don't, then hey we're every creature for ourself on this earth and dogs begin with just as much stand as us. My pitbull is the most loyal and dedicated I know. I believe in forgiveness for everybody, and often second chances, but he's getting it too easy. I really don't think he deserves any help or readmission back into the NFL. If he wanted to make it right, he should direct his actions toward those that he offended, dogs. Maybe he could spend a large sector of his life in dedication to the well being of dogs, but that still wouldn't bring back the myriads of dogs whose lives he's taken. Freaking monster.