Dr. Boyce Watkins
Hey peeps!
The response I received from you guys on the new CNN show, “DL Hughley Breaks the News” was overwhelming. Within 20 minutes of sending out the email statement, we had an entire inbox full of messages expressing extreme disappointment in CNN and this offensive new show. This helped me realize that we need to do something about it.
Our goal is to present an intelligent, dignified and firm response to CNN, letting them know that programming based on racial stereotypes is not acceptable. Political satire can be quite funny, but it must be intelligent, balanced and conscientious. This is not the brand of humor presented in “DL Hughley Breaks the News”, which went back to the same degrading media stereotypes and disturbing images that scholars and consumers have been upset about for decades. Senator Obama opened the door for us to see ourselves as educated, enlightened and empowered, so the last thing we need is to be readmitted to the asylum of pimps, thugs, criminals and buffoons.
A sample letter you can use to contact CNN is presented below. You can get the contact information at this link. You can also forward this link and email to anyone you believe to share your sentiments regarding how our community should respond to this painful and disappointing new show.
Finally, don’t forget that we are going to “Get our paper straight in 2008”, so if you wish to join our group for Dr. Boyce Financial Advice, please click here.
The sample letter is below. You can get contact information for key decision-makers at CNN by clicking here. Remember: Change won’t start with Obama or McCain. Meaningful change is going to start with US.
To CNN and its key decision-makers,
As a member of the Your Black World coalition, I am writing to inform you that I found your recently released show, “DL Hughley Breaks the News” to be a tremendous disappointment. While I certainly respect CNN’s effort to develop itself as “The most trusted name in news”, I did not find the new DL Hughley show to be consistent with the degree of trust that CNN has worked to obtain with the American public.
The 2008 Presidential campaign represents an amazing landmark for change within our country by allowing an African American male to present himself to the world as a dignified and educated member of our society, an image which lies in stark contrast to media representations confining Black men to being criminals, rappers, athletes and entertainers. I found it disheartening that this progress was reversed by CNN’s decision to create a show which relied on the very same stereotypes to build a consistent stream of laughs at the expense of African Americans everywhere. The show was also degrading to those in the broader community who support the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama, and who wish to see our great country move past the deep and painful wounds created by our nation’s legacy of racial inequality.
We ask that you discontinue the show, “DL Hughley Breaks the News”, and consider a brand of political humor that is respectful to all ethnicities and shows greater appreciation for the tremendous gains made in the 2008 Presidential election. Perhaps then, CNN can regain its status as “The most trusted name in news”.
The Your Black World Coalition
I knew when D.L. Hughley was going to be on CNN, I already knew it would not going to be a good day for black folks. D.L Hughley has a habit of saying what he think white people wants to hear when he's in front of that crowd.
ReplyDeleteI think that DL should be ashamed of himself. In addition, CNN posted the show right before the election, therefore giving Obama or Black in general an unpleasant view of us as people. Which is false. This is why blacks cannot not get ahead.. its not the white man that holds us back, its our people, out of jealousy, ignorance or greed. The show should be cancelled. DL played himself once again.
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe that when one truely has talent, it is not necessary to stoop as low as Mr. Hughley did during CNN's recent premier. To state or even suggest that Mr. Hughley is not funny is an exercise in futility...He's surely blessed, but he is not funny. While we all grapple with discomforts of all types, Mr. Hughley had better acquaint himself with this harsh reality. Whether he likes it or not he belongs to the clan of people who have suffered and sacrificed more than any other in this country. There should always be a level of self respect and family love that would never allow for what he participated in recently. I could site many examples of other races that do not publicly vilify themselves the way we do. If this sounds like a comment from a "hater" than maybe some of us should look in the mirror. Or better yet, pick up a book and do some reading. This way you’ll be informed enough to recognize when you are being insulted and insulting. It’s so obvious Mr. Hughley is no Dave Chappelle.
ReplyDeleteOn the TJMS the other morning, DL said that CNN approached him to do that show and they put it together in 5 days. That disturbed me. What was the rush? He said the head guy at CNN saw him on Glenn Beck's talk show and liked him. Glenn Beck is a conservative who recently left CNN and is going to FOX news. anyway, I saw some of that show that DL was on and it was some time ago. So, I wonder why it took from then until just now, right before the election to 'rush' out a poor quality show such as that? To me, it smacks of DL being used to portray black people in those horrible stereotypes that we are trying to move on from. Obama represents our better selves and I am really disappointed in DL. He needs to ask himeself--who benefits from that? he does --in the form of monetary gain and CNN for spreading these horrible images of what it is to be black. We're trying to move forward D L. stop taking us back. having huge ratings at the expense of your people's dignity is not something to strive for or be proud of. IS IT? I wish you much success but not in this way. you have a lot to offer. Please,please for my 16yr old son and so many others--showcase the best of us so they can have a sense of pride in being a black man 'making it' in america. We don't have that many positive images of us in the media. step up and do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteDL Hughly is a COMPLETE loser. He simply wants a check that CNN was stupid enough to give. Sorry CNN you lost a ton of credibility with adding this moron to your programming. As a black man, Mr. DL Hughly makes me feel embarassed. His comedy for this show is so bad, so poorly scripted and executed it is a shame.
ReplyDeleteMy message to DL Hughly- YOU ARE EXACTLY WHAT OBAMA IS FIGHTING AGAINST!!! Your buffoonery is what keeps us down. Thank GOD Obama is so well spoken. It shows the world that ALL black men are not like DL HUGHLY!!!!Grow up Sir. The days of this type of comedy is behind us!!!!!
All of my friends have objected to this show, AND THE FACT THAT CNN WOULD DARE AIR SUCH STUPIDITY.
Let BET, MTV or Comedy Central air such thoughless, poor programming.
If Not…my message is for DL Hugly…STEP YOUR GAME UP…..FIRE YOUR WRITERS….HIRE DAVE CHAPPELLS ….MAYBE …MAYBE….things can get better.
shame on you CNN.
I liked when he went to Harlem on this week's show.