OK, I am not a hater on CNN or DL Hughley, but I have to call it for what it is. As I mentioned before, I could not comment immediately on the new CNN special "DL Hughley Breaks the News" because I honestly didn't know what I would say. However, it's sunk in a bit, and I am ready to move on this.
It's time to ride on CNN and on this terrible show.
For those of you who know what I mean, you understand that when I say "it's time to ride", that means it's time to stand up and be heard. This is not about hate, it's about expressing to CNN that this kind of programming simply doesn't work. So, expect to hear from me within 2 or 3 days on this, because I've got some action planned on how we can share our point of view.
My commentary is below. Respect to everyone who reads my blog.
By Dr. Boyce Watkins
I continue to be irritated by Fox News, which is why I don’t watch it. We know clear racism when we see it, and it should not be legitimized by our viewership. However, I’ve always given CNN a pass. I’ve overlooked the fact that nearly every financial analyst on the network is a White male, since that tends to be the norm in almost every academic department in America. I could almost overlook the atrocious spectacle called “Black in America”, which presented African Americans to the world as pathetic lab rats to be studied and pitied. When it came to CNN, I presumed that they are simply victims of the same institutionalized racism which plagues nearly every other corporation, university and media outlet in our country. I don’t get mad at every racist I see, since I truly, and perhaps naively, believe that most Americans strive to be good people.
But the new CNN show, “DL Hughley Breaks the News” was something I simply cannot forgive.
In Hughley’s new show, he attempts to add a comedic spin to the presidential election with “commentary” by characters such as “Freddie Mac”, a pimp who apparently caused the financial crisis. In the interview with Freddie Mac, the pimp makes typical pimp-like comments such as “bitch betta have my money”, and “pimps up, hoes down” in reference to the 2008 Presidential election. There are also segments which explain that President Obama’s healthcare plan would include “gold grills for everyone”, along with other equally tasteless jokes that have no place on an allegedly “mainstream” news network just a few days before one of the most significant elections in American history. Nearly every joke on Hughley’s show came back to some generalized stereotype, reminding us that African Americans are seen as relatively trifling “social critters” and not much of anything else. My good friend Roland Martin at CNN has never received the same respect as political caricatures like Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck. So, the most degrading thing CNN can do is to finally give an African American a show after he agrees to turn the stellar Obama presidential campaign into a minstrel show. I am not sure if Flavor Flav or Juan Williams (the educated version of Flavor Flav) could have done a better job.
I have to say that DL Hughley lost my respect 2 years ago during the Don Imus debacle. After working hard on the phone with Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton to construct a plan to challenge Imus’ corporate sponsors, I was saddened to watch DL use this situation as an opportunity to say things that no self-respecting Black public figure would say. On the Jay Leno show, I dropped my face to the floor when I heard Hughley say, “Yes, those women really WERE a pack of nappy headed hoes!” I could not understand why Hughley could not simply make the appearance as a comedian citing the quality of his work, rather than a Black man agreeing to engage in the degradation of Black women for the enjoyment of a predominantly white audience.
At that point, I decided that when DL Hughley is on a show, I will not watch him. I can understand the grit and grind of getting ahead, but getting ahead at all costs makes you a professional garden tool. Perhaps the show’s resident pimp, Freddie Mac could use DL as one of his employees. The idea that this seasoned comedian would leverage his Blackness in such a degrading way simply makes me wonder why he never developed greater range as a performer. His laughs always go back to the same old unintelligent place, like the little kid on the school bus who memorizes 800 “ya mama” jokes and recites them one by one to keep the other kids laughing. Just when Obama taught us all to step outside the box, CNN and DL Hughley have reminded us to stay inside the socio-political ghetto. The audience members are not laughing WITH you DL, they are laugh AT YOU.
I make these comments as a Black man, which I’ve been for quite a while now. I am a loyal fan of Katt Williams, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Richard Pryor, Wanda Sykes, Eddie Murphy and other cutting edge and incredibly talented comedians. I don’t wear my “Black Panther Hat” everywhere I go, and I have as many guilty pleasures as anyone when it comes to laughing about things that might be considered offensive. I also say this as a moderate fan of Def Comedy Jam, most forms of hip hop and nearly everything else that reflects the beauty and diversity of being Black in our great nation. But the truth of the matter is that there must be a point where the line is drawn, like realizing that you don’t put a porn shop inside a church or bring a gun to a baby shower. It is amazing that CNN would sign off on this show right before such an historic and politically sacred event, sending a clear message to African Americans that the only way to get their attention is to “be really black and make us laugh”. This once again underscores the necessity for more black-owned media outlets. Perhaps if there were a greater diversity of Black-owned media in America, we would not have to sell each other out for our moment in the sun. Until that time, I’ll be getting most of my news from the Internet.
Congratulations DL, it appears that your show will be a smash hit. You’ve become America’s favorite nappy headed hoe. I really hope it was worth it.
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I am so happy that i am not the only one who sees this as a tragedy. I hope we as a people will collectively be appauled enough to write CNN and demand that the format be changed or the show must be canceled
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with your more. As an african american, I was very embarrassed. I could not believe DL sold us out like that. The first thought that came in my head while watching the show was "No DL, please don't do this, not now, not here" I was so embarrassed. Obama has portrayed us as intelligent, intellectual individuals and then DL and CNN put us a couple of steps backwards. CNN was not he place nor was this the time for this type of stereotype. I have written to CNN to cancel the show and my reasons for asking.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad i'm not the only one that feels this way.
"You don’t put a porn shop inside a church or bring a gun to a baby shower."
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have said it better myself. Hughley is a pathetic example of what happens to Black entertainers who get offers they simply can't refuse. WE MUST RESPOND TO THIS, and let CNN know just what "time it is."
I thought the show was in poor taste and I just couldn't watch most of it. I tried very hard to understand what I was hearing but it was terrible. I kept turning the channel and going back to see if it got any better but it appeared that it only got worse. I truly thought to myself "How could he do what he did to Bernie Mac" I really thought if nothing else he could respect another Comedian that has pass on and I thought they were friends. Is this the best he could do for a friend I really feel sorry for him if it's all about money.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't my intention to use terms that my be offensive. That said, Mr. Hughley behaved like he worked in one of the oldest professions known. It is unfortunate that certain gender has had to, by necessity sell themselves to secure basic needs. What sometimes is baffling, is when people sell themselves when there is no monetary need. Perhaps there is a pathology yet revealed to that sort of human. This is comparative to poor Hughley's actions. He seemed to have prostituted (itself) when there is no economic need, Maybe his behavior is a cry for help that money alone can't appease.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone for the most part. The show sucked bad...
ReplyDeleteHow could you do it D L ? I refused to watch after about 5 min. I was too embarrassed. Speak to him Steve and Ced, he might listen to y'all.
ReplyDeleteDL's show was definitely ignorant, but that is what they wanted it to be. We first need to understand that. White people have done this since the beginning. Black people....don't be surprised that CNN is airing this. They know what they are doing. PLEASE READ BETWEEN THE LINES!!! That is our problem, we don't do that, and never have. That's what they are banking on. Another example, look at BET. There actually used to be informative and intelligent news shows with educated and intelligent news casters like Monique Conrad (http://democrats.senate.gov/steering/afr-am/tab-index.cfm?tab=20), and other political correspondents. Now look what's on BET. Nothing but a bunch of BS for us to watch. WE NEED TO STOP WATCHING TV AND START READING! READING IS ANOTHER THING THEY DON'T WANT US TO DO!! Instead "they" want to continue to dilute our intelligence. We have grown to become stronger, and more united than we used to be. We have to continue to do that by taking it to new levels, new heights, wanting more and demanding more! How do we do that? Through reading and learning what is and shouldn't be acceptable or legal, for that matter. Ok, we get mad and upset about the things DL has said, but we need to look at how we have allowed this to go on for decades by laughing at other comedians when they say it. It really is no different. What we need to do (and it will require lots of change on our own part) is stop supporting it entirely. Not just DL's show, but all of it. We have to stop laughing and supporting others who say the same thing. CNN wanted it this way. Don't you know they hold numerous meetings, and go through scripts numerous times prior to airing or even planning to air any one show. This is meant for us to get mad at each other as a race and continue to keep us divided. We need to petition this. We need to protect our young children by showing them and telling them the difference between good and evil of the world, and begin to teach them how to live and act appropriately so that they can grow up in life to be winners they are. Mainly, so they can have the intelligence to NOT stand for such ignorance and refuse to allow it to continue. But I say it again, CNN and the other companies or individuals that want to keep up such negativity are not going to stop. They will simply discover a new way, so we have to SEE them and realize what's going on, and rise above it, not prove them right, or fall into their planned schemes and traps. Don't think CNN did not plan this. This is all a part of a larger plan. It's bigger than CNN, they are just helping promote. Read between the lines. Don't fall victim to such schemes any longer. I believe they will continue to air this show, and you better believe there is more ignorance to come, whether it be CNN serving it, or some other media source. They want us to stay "dumb", and not just blacks, but every minority race for that matter. They can only accomplish what we allow them. If you allow them to dilute your intelligence by accepting this in your home, they will. Yes, DL did sell his soul to the devil, and several others have too. This isn't simply comedy guys. This is meant to keep us in the same place, or take us back to a mentality of slavery. Look at the other facts. Our community is plagued with AIDS, pregnant teenage girls, drugs, and everything else that is dumped in our communities. We have to change first, we can't expect ANY handouts. I can get mad and call DL a sell out, or I can see why he is selling out - fooled and tricked just like the rest of us have been for DECADES. Let's stop getting mad at white people, and each other, and do something about it. Let's go to school, get educated, keep growing, support each other, tell each other when they're wrong, and not simply agree to have a friend or keep the peace, and most importantly, seek God and his TRUTH. We have been told lies since the beginning. Finally, I don't worry about DL's comments regarding the election. Obama, a BLACK man, is more poised than any other WHITE president I have ever seen or heard of. He clearly is more educated, intelligent, sophisticated, and classy than McCain, and need I say, Palin could ever be. Any human being can see that, whether they are be democrat or republican. Not that Obama is perfect and will free us of all our problems, but he is definitely better than that snake McCain, who was a part of a large financial crisis himself, called the "Keating 5". Google it. Bottom line: who cares what they say and what they try to do...keep God in you every day and strive to be more than you are today, everyday! Be loyal to your true friends, and show love to those who don't show it to you. You will be blessed every time!
ReplyDeleteTo all of the comments I just have two words...RIGHT ON!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I thought he was funny as hell - as usual. Sounds like your all jealous to me. The show will help us better understand and confront the racial divide.
ReplyDeleteI, too, found the show so offensive that I could not watch it in its entirety. I immediately sent an email to CNN and then sent the link to my entire address book and requested that if they felt the same way to let CNN know. CNN calls itself the "most trusted name in news". The Hughley show is NOT news and has no place on CNN. D L Hughley is a buffoon and is playing to the worst sort of racists. CNN lets him say these things and portray these vile, negative stereotypes because we, African Americans, are not predisposed to complaining about "one of our own". Let's innundate them with complaints via email and phone.
ReplyDeleteI am a 47-year-old African American female. I grew up in Los Angeles watching many African Americans comedy shows. Usually seen in the appropriate stage or arena for black comedy. I am the first one to give praise to my African Americans doing positive work. At the same time, I will slam them hard if necessary., D.L. Hughley breaks the news, I felt extreme humiliation while watching his show on CNN. Especially now while the first African American have a good chance of actually been the President. I felt his show was very repulsive and stereotypical toward African Americans. To be honest, I never thought D.L. Hughley was funny or talented as some of the other comedians with Like Chris Rock and Cedric the Entertainer are. Both of which are extremely talent, political savvy and hilarious. Why CNN didn’t consider one of these comedians in the first place. Perhaps CNN have some hided agenda to make African Americans look bad and using D.L. Hughley as their fall guy or Uncle Tom to do what they cant do without looking like the Fox “racist” News Channel. It’s sad that D.L. Hughley is too ignorant to see how this isn’t helping our race but in fact hurting us. This show belongs on BET or Comic view not CNN. I am requesting CNN take this show of the air immediately.
ReplyDeleteGo D.L. man do not be a hater this is informative and funny a little snl combined with news..thanks D.L. we need humor in these hard times keep up the great work!!!
ReplyDeleteI had so looked forward to watching DL Hugley on CNN because he speaks so intelligently when he makes appearances on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. I was so disappointed and embarrassed when I watched the show, and I did watch it in it's entirety. I knew that I would never watch it again. I kept thinking "he's a sell-out and he's really not down for Barack Obama." I could hardly believe what I was viewing!
ReplyDeleteD.L. Hughley's show on CNN is utterly disgusting. He slams his race and CNN is embracing such rhetoric. I will not watch CNN anymore. You guys were the ones I hoped would be the news coverage show that all Black People would embrace. Not anymore. Please cancel this very controversial show, or implore D.L. to change his format. I am a proud black woman and I love to see our black men rising to the top, but to get there by walking on other black men and women is degrading. I am actually hurt and ashamed after urging my daughters and sons to watch such an offensive show.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dr. Watkins, for being bold enough to say what needs to be said. D.L. Hugley has been selling us out with his degrading style of humor for years now. As for FOX --- why am I not surprised? As for D.L., what WON'T this brother do to keep making the bucks?
ReplyDeleteFOX will definitely get a letter from me and anyone else I can convince to do the same.
In my previous comment, I mistakenly referred to CNN as Fox. So, if you read it, please substitue "CNN" everywhere you see "FOX."
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter (but still serious) note, as far as news content goes, Fox -- CNN, -- I've never noticed much of a difference.
oh please.
ReplyDeletein a month, yall will be rushin to your 42" HDTVs to see what DL is up to. Give the brotha a chance. It's his first episode for god's sake, he'll work it out for himself. He's an intelligent man. I trust him. Vote on the 4th and shut up.
ReplyDeleteI thought the show was totally degrading and very repulsive to the African American Community. DL is NOT a funny comedian at all. This show NEEDS to be cancelled immediately. I to agree with the others: if you have to degrade your own people just to make a buck, is this really worth it? At the end of the day, CNN has no respect for you (DL Hughley)as a African American man, because they are looking at you as that token black. You are only doing what they are afraid to do themselves. WHAT A SELL OUT!!!! Once this show IS cancelled, we MUST continue our unwaving firmness to address the problems that plague our communities. WE MUST COME TOGETHER TO LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!
Give DL a break, anyone who has watched DL in stand up comedy knows
ReplyDeletehis type of work. Leave him alone
and see how his other shows turn out. I don't agree with the entire
content of the show. However, I am
willing to give Him a chance.
Although DL Hughley is a comedian, there is a time for tasteful comedy. Whether its his first episode or not. CNN has serious shows/news reports a majority of the time. Why would they suddenly put such a disgraceful and offensive show on now? As one person already said, read between the lines. It is no mistake that this show is on right now and that it is on CNN. What audience is the show directed towards since it is on CNN? On what level is DL Hughley thinking that he would be so offensive to Black people? There are other "political" shows on Comedy Central why wasn't it aired on that channel? These are questions we would should be asking.
ReplyDeleteHello Viewers, I am a life long Detroiter. I have seen some of the most harsh statements, dumb actions, gross & unacceptable behaviors from our BLACK men in office that its unreal. After hearing the (D.L Hugley) statements/humor, I am not surprised. Lets grow up and understand we have to be more positive and think before we speak and step back and take a look at how it affects us as a whole. We as people are suffering because of the actions of our people.
ReplyDelete"Hello Viewers, I am a life long Detroiter..."
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have told anyone. You probably voted for that fool Kwami.
Dear Dr. Boyce Watkins often we are quick to judge one another as people. I happen to land on this site surfing the net after seeing a segment of D.L. Hughley Breaks the News with guest Mr. Al Sharpton. Instead of you making some of the comments you made about Mr. Hughley wouldn't it be best to teach him the error of his ways. It is not all the time we do something that we are proud of or even comprehend the effects we might have created until after the damage is completed. I agree with you that some of the acts displayed on Mr. Hughley's show are degrading but voice your opinion without lashing at D.L. Hughley. We criticize him lets guide him to the error of his ways. You started off by saying "Respect to everyone who reads my blog", what if a friend or family member of Mr. Hughley decides to read your blog and saw you stating that he has "become America’s favorite nappy headed hoe" they will not be pleased just as much as you were not pleased when he made that same comment. You are a better man than that, so let’s rise from this fall and dust each other off to again be a great nation under god!
ReplyDeleteThank You DL Hugley,
ReplyDeleteI am glad that somebody is bringing up questions and thoughts that I have!
I am very disappointed with CNN's decision to add a comedy show to their schedule hosted by DL Hughley.
ReplyDeleteDL Hughley does not represent the African American's view, humor or expression on any topic and CNN should have made a statement before airing the show reflecting that.
This is not a show that is beneficial to the public on any level. I will not watch it and I feel that this comedy show was aired for political reasons. This show was not a very wise investment.
I can only agree that Breaking News with DL Hughley is a ridiculous concept. I just saw Al Sharpton on CNN. There is no reason that anyone should be taking A.S. seriously. Are they trying to hurt Barack Obama by having A.S. on CNN Sunday nite? I'm a black american male and Sharpton is not one of my respected leaders. He is a cancer in the black community.
ReplyDeleteI can't get over what Al Sharpton just said. It should be all over the news. It was poetic. Where can I see a clip of his last statement about accountability?
ReplyDeletethe show should be called " D L Hughley Breaks Wind"
ReplyDeleteWow I saw DL's show on CNN...It's quite racist! The Presidency isn't all about if you're black or white.
This show belongs on Comedy Central or of the like. Shall I say remember the song 'What People Do For MONEY'? Well it's not hate D.L. it's a fact!! &CNN- I usually turn to for respectful,current information. Well, they broke that rule!!Please somebody with an ounce of intelligence pull the plug.
ReplyDeleteI seen his show on CNN and I was very sad the brother would think that the blacks he portrayed in the Hollywood cast were the only jobs the white producers would allow to perform. This was a slap in the face of the Presidential Race of the first serious candidate running for the highest office in the country and he aired this crap was not funny. Obvious DL needs the cash to pay off his lavish lifestyle so he did what most blacks do is sell their souls for a few pieces of silver. The timeing to air this crap was insane after watching Barack campaign on all the issues affecting this country. We need to start reading helping our children try different careers. I probably will not watch his show anymore because basically Amos and Andy would turn over in their graves knowing how this brother is mocking our race. Should Barack become President it will let us all know that racisism has not ended but we are on our way to healing some of the pain we as black americans have struggled for centuries. As my Aunt Mollie always told me "You don't know where ya going but ya know where ya been".
ReplyDeleteThe larger, sadder picture is that this show has appeal within certain sectors of our community. What we should be worried about is that fact alone. Whether the show is on the air or not is irrelevant. The point is that our community has become so uneducated that this is thought to be representative of black America. We need an intelligent nightly news program for black Americans. We need to educate those in the urban community. And we need to address those problems before any letter to CNN is sent.