I asked some of these questions when I hosted an XM Satellite Radio show on Power 169 a couple of years ago. That was a memorable show, since I interviewed Rev. Jesse Jackson on the same day that Martin Luther King's daughter died. Jesse has my respect and gave me a great compliment by stating that he feels that my work at Syracuse is helping to continue Dr. King's tradition. You can't buy that kind of encouragement with any amount of money.
I’ll start this by saying that I am not going to presume that R. Kelly is innocent or guilty. I’ll let the courts make that decision. I am also going to put aside the fact that I have a teenage daughter and the thought of R. Kelly or any old dude touching my child makes me want to get a little kung-fu-ish. I must also admit that R. Kelly is probably the most talented R&B singer in America. With all that said, I have some questions:
R. Kelly Question Number one:

R. Kelly Question Number two:
What’s the deal with the little kids dawg? I am not accusing Kelly of doing whatever it was that everyone thinks he did on the video that everyone has seen. I just need to understand why a grown man who can get any woman he wants goes hunting for women in the public school system. We all know about R. Kelly’s annulled marriage to 15-year old Aaliyah back in the day, so it’s not as if there isn’t a precedent. This chasing after super young women thing doesn’t make any sense. But then again, it almost never does to people who don’t do it.
R. Kelly Question Number Three:
Does the creation of a slamming album wash away all sins? It seems to me that the quality of R. Kelly’s music over the past several years has led to the public simply forgetting about the fact that there is evidence that this man might be a child molester. Yes, I believe in presuming innocence, but someone should have gone through the process of figuring out if he might be guilty. I once had a conversation with a high powered executive from one of the top radio stations in Chicago. I asked him why the Chicago stations conveniently forgot the indignant stand they initially took against R. Kelly’s music after the charges were made public. It seemed that once R. Kelly came out with another song that people liked, everything was golden once again. The executive had no good answers for me, and only behaved as if R. Kelly’s talent was enough to make us forget about what he may have done to that little girl. Now, I am not one for calling out the lynch mobs against a man who has not yet been convicted, but damn.
R. Kelly Question Number four:

R. Kelly Question Number five:
Why is everybody trying to get a copy of this damn sex tape? Remember: curiosity killed the cat, and the possession of this tape is TECHNICALLY the possession of child pornography. So, if your objective is to look at this tape just so you can see what everybody else is saying they said they saw, you might want to think again.
Side Question in the R. Kelly Trial: Are the people involved in all this craziness at least using protection? Sorry, but I have to be the one to ask. I can't imagine what some of these folks' medical reports are looking like these days. Not to hate on anybody's sexual habits, for I too am a fan of great sex. However, I am a bigger fan of intelligent, responsible and meaningful sex. I hope that R. Kelly's "special friends" are fans of the same thing, since we all know what happened to the great Eazy -E, who loved to rap about his sexual exploits that eventually led him to the grave.
If R. Kelly did indeed commit this crime, this is no laughing matter. Child pornography and sex with a minor are serious offenses. I would hope that no song of any quality can lead us to forgive and forget, for we can’t have predators hurting our children.
Sorry R. Kelly, your music jams, but if this is truly your issue, you might need some help.
One of the attorneys on YourBlackWorld did some legal analysis on the R. Kelly trial. You might find this interesting as well.
I bet if the victim was white, he would have been convicted in two hours or less
it does bother me that everyone wants to see this tape and it sold like millions on the street from bootleggers. it is STILL child porn folks
the sad fact is,the ones yet buying his music,supporting him with there money,would put entertaining themselves over ethics,and character.isnt it time we stop accepting everything just to get a moment of entertainment? the male(r. kelly) already showed us he is a child molester with Aaliyah a 15 yr old girl!!!!!!!! and then the audacity to mention christianity and salvation in his song...lol exactly what bible did he find that Jesus lived anything near what Kelly promotes in his life? i guess christianity is just a fad too many people.anyway i wouldnt buy or support any person that rapes,and molest our future...a male is a matter of birth..but a man is a matter of choice..shalom. (rayfucius)
It goes to show you that it's true when they say "Money talks, B---S--- walks. It's amazing to me people are hunting down the video of a child molestation in progress. Is it that people want to see if it's R. Kelly in the video or if the female in the video in underage. Have you ever noticed that every time R. Kelly gets into trouble he "finds Jesus" I guess when get gets out of trouble he looses Him. Mr. Kelly I ask you long will it take before God gives you up. And you don't want that.
My goodness to the ones that think he is guilty did yall see him do it?? My thing the girl said it wasn't her. If it was her would you think that she would tell including the parents. The man is not guilty move on. Second he married Aaliyah but her parents ok that. I think a lot of peoples is just hating. I wish that I could meet him. He has it going on and I hope he keep it going on.
The shit was on video. I saw the video. He did it.
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