Fox News referred today to Michelle Obama as "Barack Obama's Baby's Mama" (video below). What is interesting about this statement is that it was clearly made because she is African American. I can't imagine them saying the same thing about the wife of John McCain.
This clearly shows that Fox News is engaged in a consistent campaign to use race to undermine this election. This election has really told us alot about our country and proves many of the points I've made in the past about racism. Subtle racism of the 1990s is out the door, since Fox News has given America permission to show just how racist they really are.

Michelle Obama is one of the most distinguished women in the history of this country. Fox News cannot and should not be allowed to undermine her greatness with such pathetic language.
The video is below.
This is so typical of white American media. Fox will do and say anything they can to disrespect an intelligent Black man who threatens white America's way of life. There ought to be thousands of black people protesting outside of Fox Network Studio/Headquarters. It's the perfect time to let the white media know that we are tired and will not take their disrespecting racist bs any more.
To Fox's credit, they did cancel the show of one of their talking heads...one of the few who have a real college degree. I don't know if it was her "terrorist fist bump" comment about Barack and Michele, or because she failed to elevate the issues to rabid race-baiting, fearmongering, and personal attacks necessary to sustain good ratings. Look, Faux knows that Obama is going to win. This is going to be a two issue election...the war and the economy, and not necessarily in that order. Faux, along with their ersatz Joseph Goebbels wannabe, Slime Hannity have presided over and supported some of the most mean-spirited personal attacks and guilt by six-degrees of association I have ever seen, but I don't blame them as much, as I blame the lazy viewing public. If you read as many of the posts as I do, you'd see a familiar pattern...rumors, gossip, lies, and innuendo repeated almost word-for-word, with no citiations, no links to a source, no proof or evidence whatsoever...just smears. Although Obama has remained above this, to his enemies, it may reveal a political naite and weakness and an opportunity to ratchet up these attacks...and the 527's have yet to be heard from. I like Dr. Watkins strategy...it is important to register a protest every time something like this happens...far worse will be encouraged by our collective silence.
Ms. P says,
Fox News is America's raceometer. As long as they continue to make fun of and degrade non-white races, then we will know that racisim in America is still alive and kicking.In other words, as long as American's of any race continues to support this news channel then racist comments will continue to spew out of the mouths of Fox news commentators mouths.
Reguarding Fox News
Mrs. Michelle Obama could become the First Lady of the USA. This goes to show that just because you have a degree and so called will educated you can still be an idiot and have a (BS) degree in common sense. Mrs. Obama is the mother of Senator Barack Obama children, Not the baby’s mama, Not his side kicks or better half; she’s a Queen whom married a King. Now I know why TV called an idiot box, from people that seat in front of the camera and make comments like that, stupid is what stupid does. It written when a Man takes a Wife he takes a good thing, so it is written and so it shall be done. At one time the media stated that black people felt that President Clinton was the closest that we would have to a black President, will here he is Senator Baraka Obama, media give him the same respect that was given to the almost black President Clinton
I think it sucks that so many of you want to point the finger at White America. I'm white and I think Fox News is bogus. The media in general is pretty awful. In this country, there is a practice of not reporting the news, but rather creating it. The media shouldn't be telling us what they think the news is, that's why we have so much garbage on tv. It has more to do with terrible reporting, lack of integrity and misguided or absent journalistic prudence.
Alot of people are racist, not just white people. Racism won't get any better if we keep telling white people how horrible they are while allowing everyone else to be just as racist.
Senator Obama and Mrs. Obama are both pretty amazing, the reason why an overwhelming majority of white Iowa supported him to be the next president of these United States.
Most of us aren't so bad, remember that. It's the few, who are very loud, who get the most attention.
Jesus E - I can understand what you're saying but I don't think the finger is being pointed at all of white America. Black people aren't that hateful and know that if they were to be, they would be no better than those they have issue with. However, what you should try to appreciate is that black people have to suffer some kind of racism virtually every day of their lives and in almost every aspect of their lives. They've had enough. And with this election, bringing a tidal wave of blatant bigotry from Fox and the right wing, it's really exposed the level of hate and ignorance that still exists in American life - even if it's just below the surface. I'm glad you're more enlightened than that but please try to understand how it feels to watch Barack Obama being subjected to so many nasty and negative attacks - just because he's black. Try to imagine how it feels.
While I agree the reference was inappropriate. I do recall seeing Michelle Obama on a television program and she referred to Barack "as her babies daddy". We can't hold folk to one standard and then expect it to be acceptable when we reference ourselves and or people with this type of jargon. Just a thought
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