Monday, May 26, 2008

Liz Trotta's Death Wish on Barack Obama: What Fox News Needs to Do

As you know, Liz Trotta, a Fox News Analyst, made a joke about her desire to see Senator Barack Obama killed. This is no joke, this is serious. I don't think I ever thought, in my lifetime, that a major news network would have an analyst joking about killing the possible future President of the United States.

Senator Barack Obama is already getting threats from domestic terrorists who want him dead. Even my death threats are being taken very seriously by the police, so I can't imagine what Senator Obama must be feeling. The fact is that we must deal with the reality that Liz Trotta's words were a CRIME. The federal authorities should investigate this and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. The mere suggestion by a leader in media that someone should be killed is REAL. When Bill O'Reilly attacks me, his thousands of minions take his words overboard, calling my house all hours of the night, threatening to do terrible things to me. So, whether it is Bill O'Reilly, Liz Trotta, Sean Hannity or some other bigot on national television, the fact is that this kind of activity CANNOT go on ignored.


Anonymous said...

Dr Watkins,

It's time for FAUX News to be challenged to the upmost. The producers of FAUX continue to allow and condone this social terrorism towards the black culture. It's time for FAUX to be held accountable for their irresponsible action.

As For Liz, her position as a analyst needs to be challenged. She has to go, She is dangerous to society and most importantly the possible future president. Only in America will we allow a ignorant news analyst to say incredible and dangerous threats to a man of color and watch listeners and viewers praise her for her derogatory comments.

Brother Watkins, I am sorry for your hate mail and death threats. You know better than anyone we live in a world where racism/hate is still a HUGE Problem and we need leaders like yourself to lead the GOOD Fight. The only thing I can offer is myself to be your personal bodyguard. I am a former Lineman on the college level, so I am big in stature and have that bodyguard build. You have my email address if you need me hit me up!

Elrancho78 said...

Great offer, your boi von. I'd been thinking exactly the same thoughts myself. Even though you sound better equipped than me for the job, if I was in the position, there's nothing I wouldn't do - if you know what I mean.

Getting back to this latest dose of hate-broadcasting; I would love to see a stampede of distinguished, high-profile people from all walks of life coming out and expressing their outrage. Surely there's enough people with consciences out there who would stand up for what is right and stand up against Fox and all they promote. There should be an avalanche of protest - strong enough that even Fox can't brush aside as insignificant. I'd love to see Stevie involved and I'm sure he'd give it everything.

The more I think of it, what Dr Boyce is doing has to be incredibly powerful for O'Reilly & Co to become this obsessed with him. The truth will always win in the end and Boyce is telling it. Eventually, America will have to listen and hopefully learn.

Anonymous said...

The reason Dr. Boyce is getting so much attention from O'Reilly is simple...fear. Its not about profile or ratings..its about strength, its about pride, its about not backing down. That is what people of O'Reilly's ilk fear most. Dr. Boyce won't cry "Toby" and has no intentions too, and that scares them shitless.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing we had people driven by "fear', that wouldn't back down when this country was formed. People that were driven by "silly" principles and stuff hateful and vile like that. Or maybe life as a British Colony wouldn't have been all that bad, though, would it?