Kwame Kilpatrick is feeling more heat than Michael Jackson when he burned his Jerry Curl in that Pepsi commercial. Detroit Chickens are coming home to roost and the Mayor of this great city, the shining Kilpatrick star of yesterday is getting just a little bit dimmer every time we look.
Mayor Kilpatrick has been hit with some interesting and disturbing charges, including having police officers fired for their willingness to snitch on a stripper-heavy party held at the Mayor's Mansion. He has been charged with perjury for lying about an affair with his Chief of Staff. He has even been hit by a nasty rumor about a stripper named Strawberry, who was assassinated (yes, I said assassinated, since the shooter used a whole bunch of bullets) right before she was expected to blow the whistle on some possible misbehaving by Kwame and his Mayoral homeboys.
I don't know what's what, but I do know this: Kwame Kilpatrick is in serious trouble.
When I first met Kwame Kilpatrick, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd heard about this highly successful young man, who'd found a way to become the youngest mayor in Detroit history. He was clearly a man of the people, earring, hip hop and all.

Quite honestly, Kwame Kilpatrick left me a little empty, unsure if I was getting a great black leader of tomorrow or a privileged kid who was smart enough to ride the coat tails of a mother who'd served in Congress. I honestly saw a little bit of both, as listening to Kwame speak made me feel like I was hearing a politician, not a black leader, and not a visionary. But truth be told, I never held it against him, since politicians are trained to say alot without saying anything.
What I see in Kwame Kilpatrick is that he is simply YOUNG. Kilpatrick took on a huge job that most of us would not have been able to do successfully. He took on a city that has been gutted like an economic fish, with jobs leaving, crime rising and corruption left and right.
Kwame's public screw ups as an alleged cheater and perjurer are not, in my opinion, any worse than what Slick Willy (Bill Clinton) did in The White House. The difference is that Kwame Kilpatrick did not have a great economy to allow forgiveness of his sins. He also didn't have the privilege of white skin, nor the kind of charisma that makes women forget about the last 50 women you've slept with.

Kwame had none of that. He was no Bill Clinton. People didn't see him as a Slick Willy, they saw him as a Trifling Negro. Kwame Kilpatrick was simply Carolyn Kilpatrick's son. Had he not been Carolyn's son, he would not have been Mayor of Detroit.
Should Kwame be forgiven? I think he should. Should he be removed? Absolutely. The reality is that, although his job was one of the toughest in America, the truth is that he was not quite ready for it. What made it worse was that Kwame did not approach the job with the humility and focus necessary to take on such a daunting task. He approached it with arrogance, and the cavalier nature of a young man who didn't quite realize what he was getting into.
I don't disrespect Kwame Kilpatrick as a black man, because I still think he is an extraordinary human being. However, I fully understand why Detroit is angry. Given the crime, economy and horrible school system, Detroit residents have reason to be angry every time they walk out the door. But through his arrogance, mismanagement and audacious behavior, Kwame Kilpatrick made himself a convenient target.
Well Spoken.
The people of Detroit, Wayne county, the State of Michigan, and the rest of the U.S.A. deserve better than this. The notion that what Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton did in the "Monica Lewinsky" scandal is no different than what Kwame did in the "Text Message" scandal is ludicrous. President Clinton soiled a dress and ruined a nations confidence in their leader. With his sexual escapade and ensuing perjury, Mayor Kilpatrick has soiled a struggling city and state with his $9 million "Text" book settlement. How much more will he cost the great people of Detroit if he continues to stay in that office? He has become so much more than an embarrassment, he has become a huge financial liability.
Kilpatrick is a shining example of what happens when you give the monkeys the keys to the zoo.
Tonight's State of the City address was a classic "Kwame performance." His audience was hand picked and, therefore, right at home with his righteous attitude. This person (he is beneath being called a man) has humiliated and shamed the city and has now made a bigger fool of himself by encouraging the city to set an example for their children. He also personally attacked the head of the City Council and alleged that this is just a personal attack on him and his family.
Detroit has a lot to offer. However, they need to take out the trash and get someone to lead by example to make it the great City it once was.
well said
i have to agree with you. i feel terrible since i had so much stake in his career has mayor of detroit and supported his campaign back then.
but you are right. maybe he wasn't ready for it
and he does come from privilege
If he had any class at all, he would resign - for the sake of his family and for the city. Implying that this is racially motivated is beyond absurd - he did it to himself and is too self-centered to admit it. He set the city of Detrot back 20 years with his racist, outrageous statements last night.
You did it yourself, Kwame. You. Nobody else. It wasn't the media that hurt your wife and family, it was you. They simply reported what you have done. And what you have done cannot and should not be ignored.
I do not understand how a person in public office can be excused for a wrong doing. We had some police officers in Grand Rapisds, mi caught messing, screwing, on the job and they were suspended that day.
Bill Clinton the d f _ from detroit, marion barry, now he is a pc of work, the senator from la.
Come on, uphold the law, they are criminels. if it were us common folk, jail time!!
He perjured, he cheated on his wife, he had stripper party in the Manoogian mansion, he might have ordered a stripper killed, and then he tried to play the race card. Pathetic. Its good to see some black press call for his removal rather than rally around him just because he is a "brotha." I mean blacks want to be treated with equality right, just like MLK said? Well when they do wrong they have to be punished just like white people are. Otherwise they are not being treated equally they are being treated superiorally. Granted kwame is part of the political class so his punishment will/should be light just like white politicians and a few years from now he can run for congress like Marion Berry. Kwame wants to be treated like a man. He ought to take his punishment like one.
Well I apologize. You didn't delete my comment but sometimes when you click on this site you get a green background with comments and mine didn't appear there. Again get rid of Kwame and let the media use him as a national example of what a black man shouildn't be. Even more important let whites speak the truth without fear of recrimination so we don't have to keep "moving to the suburbs" mentally.Geraldine Ferraro had to resign for pointing out an obvious fact and look at your background Mike Vick net to Obama next to is it 50 cent? This solidarity mentality has got to change negro not for whitey 's but for your better. Quit feeling sorry for yourself you haven't even been the worst treated group in this country. Sorry my friend but that honor goes to the american indian. The reservations he lives on make any project look like the Ritz. The problem with your people and it can be applied to Kwame is that through slavery whitey took your pride your manhood your dignity and you have yet to get it back. The american indian we all but wiped out but what's left of hin still stands proud unlike your people. So try try try to grow up and don't stand behind Kwame any more in a world of true equality he diesn't deserve it.
As an almost 60-year-old proud native Michigander, it pains me greatly to hear the calliope at any mention of this truly ridiculous bumbler, who, unfortunately for all of us, stole the most important mayor's position in our State only to heap upon us his embarassments and shame. The greatest tragedy of his administration will be the long period after he's gone, as it will be increasingly difficult to find ANYONE with respect and competence willing to clean up after all the messes this clown and all of his elephants have left behind.
A very good article. I agree with the author of the article that kilpatrick was not ready for the job, and he has done a disservce to citizens of Detroit.
What no one seems to mention is that not only did he cost the city of Detroit 9 Million dollars, he also cost three fine policemen, who by the way are African American their careers and put them thru hell for three years, until they won their court case. He also opened the city up to a sexual harassment case for havung sex with a subordinate. It is a matter of time before Christine Beatty file a sexual harassment suit. All this on top of perjury. We do not know all of the facts of the Tamara Greene case, but you can bet there are some more indiscretions there also. Kwame Kilpatrick needs to look in the mirrior and blame the one person who caused his problems. The media is not putting his family thru hell he is.
Well said. I was one who hoped that Kilpatrict would be great. However, I saw first hand how shallow the administration is.. Remember the Cops, Clean & Kids? He went from district to district spent a day cleaning and then moved on leaving large messes on the side of the road. How about Mayors time? Did anyone realize that it meant taking funds from operating non profits to new non profits (with newly minted executive directors who just happened to be Kilpatrict family and friends?)
I was stunned to see him re elected--perhaps the re election fueled his recklessness. he man has to go--his mia culpa is the joke of the nation, his state of the city another example of his lack of judgment. the man is simply over his head. I disagree he is not extraordinary, he is simply an arrogant ordinary man with an extraordinary ego. Time for him to go.
When are the people of Detroit going to start a recall of this disgraceful Mayor?
As a citizen of Detroit I am ashamed to tell people where I am from because of all the negative publicity our city gets. Just like our national gevernment, our local government is founded by the people, for the people. Lets take our city back and help it to reach the potential it has to become an exemplary city.
Kilpatrick is a joke and he promotes every negative stereotype in the black community.I just can,t wait until the day that fat bastard get,s what he deserves. Once he goes down all of his little boyfreinds are going down with him.HEY KILPATRICK!word of advice DON,T DROP THE SOAP!
First of all, the City of Detroit went to hell in a hand basket when Coleman young told white people to "to hit 8 mile".....so they did. From there it was down hill. The black people with any money and sense then decided it was their turn. Now all you have left is low income and transients. This is what Kwame is in charge of. He'll be in jail with 6 months. He's a race baiter and the whites can see this. Sad!
It amazes me that some Detroit citizens don't get the fact of how much money,time,lives ruin,corruption that goes far and wide.From the police chief not issuing search warrants back in 03 to Micheal Cox's.Yes,I said" Michael Cox".Did his people really investigate and how well,obviously not that well!!How well could his people of looked into the so called partyAnd found nothing!!.This attorney general looks to me like he was a good old boy that just jumped off the hay wagon when he finally realize it was on fire! How much money lost to business in Detroit via {mayor convention at MGM!!} Citizens it's not about sex anymore wake up!Is'nt it your millions?It makes me sick that peole think it's just between him and his wife.WAKE UP!!
I grew up in the city of Detroit and stayed for 36 years. Never throught that I would leave. I now live in a differnt state and travel throughtout the US on business. I have yet to find anyone that thinks Detroit is nothing but a laughting stock, It makes me sad because I see cities that were once the same as Detroit and have recreated themselves. Also I come to relize that Detroit is the most segregated big city in America and that has to do with the leadership over the last 30 years. Delivering the same old story about poor old me. Instead of taken responsabilty for themselve and family.
When I try to defend Detroit, people some it up with one thing, How can the people relect the mayor of Detroit and I have no answer.
First of all let me say I am a white suburbanite (Wayne County). I am absolutely APPALLED at the time and resources that are being spent on this case. Precious resources that could be better utilized elsewhere. I believe Mayor Kilpatrick is a tremendous distraction and an embarassment to the City of Detroit. We deserve better than this. I pray this situation is resolved quickly but it appears the Mayor has taken on an Adolph Hitler bunker metality. He appears intent to take down the City and everyone around him. I truly pity the residents of Detroit. He has set us back years.
To whom it may concern,
Please reread Biblical history and other such history. Leaders fell short all the time. Yet, some were the apple of God's eye. The Universe/God continued to favor them regardless. The Kilpatrick family are obviously the offspring of the leaders that the Universe favored long ago.
So, hands off everybody. Back up, because you are bringing judgement on you and your household when you judge him.
Finally, save and spend your own money wisely and teach your children not to hate and discriminate.
I care.
I am ashamed to say that I live in the city of Detroit. KK is guilty. He should have had more decorum and respect for the office he was elected, the city and its people. It is extremely embarrassing to have to constantly see Detroit in another shameful light. This is just one of the many reasons why many have left and are not EVER coming back. KK should step down IMMEDIATELY, so that Detroiters and MICHIGAN can heal. Do not be fooled, there is no race card here, there is only right and wrong. KK was wrong.
I can't believe how the Det. news and the public are playing the Mayor of Detroit. If anyone deserves this kind of action, it should have been Bush. Look at all of his crimes. Until we can dill with our president, we should leave the mayor alone. Thank you
Detroit is trying to drag itself out of the reputation of a violent and horrible place. I know that the rep will never full go away, but while Kwame hangs around making Detroiters look a joke for ever putting him in office in the first place it seems that once again Detroit gets to be the butt of the worlds jokes. Kwame needs to resign for the City to move forward. The City can no longer turn a blind eye to corruption from its leaders. Detroit needs a fresh start and Detroit needs to be the city where people want to be.
Forgiven are you serious? Forgiving is for someone who steals from a store, or unintentionally harming, this man was down right vicously hurting an already suffering and fragile comunity. He blames others, and honestly thinks that he is a victim. He uses race, as a shield, I'm sorry to say, even brings up other individuals such as Arabs and Asians, to help in his defense. This has nothing to do with race, other than the fact that he is a very poor representative of the black comunity, a sad example of a husband father and leader. He screwed Christine and raped the city.
KWAME!!!!! Put the city and great citizens first. This is not a time for your ongoing selfishnes. So "rap" it up and step down, before Detroit gets in so deep that we can't crawl out of your pot hole.
Just wow!
I like your views and will read more of your blog.
I like would like to walk through life with rose color glasses and say it is not a black or white issue. Personally, I think the fact that Sick Willy did not get charged, impeached, and his wife has the ability to run for president, is something that will haunt the moral up bringing of the youth of our nation for generations to come.
Mayors, presidents, and any person who holds a high profile position which is responsible for constituents must be aware they are role models. Not only does the law pertain to them, they must go above and beyond respecting the most minor laws to show our youth what responsibility is.
The most significant positive aspect of what is currently going on here in Detroit is a change showing we have made some progress in race relations. There is still a long way to go on both sides here in Detroit. However, Kwame's Coleman Young approach no longer works within the city. Citizens of Detroit will no longer be exploited as they were during the Young tenure because they felt they had to support their race. They now have options to come forward and say this is my city, my children, our future, and you are not the only ticket in town.
Detroit has so much potential, history, and wonderful architecture. It's time someone comes in like Archer and knows the suburbs need Detroit as much as Detroit needs the suburbs. We are all one.
KK reminds me so much of tenants who want to "pay back" the owner of the house their living in. Those criminal minded individuals who would trash the place before they leave.
He also reminds me of the fox in the chicken coop.
It's time for the Governor Granholm...to step in.
Kwame Kilpatrick is hip hop.
check out my post at http://reallyrealtalk.blogspot.com/2008/03/dont-worry-if-he-writes-rhymes-he.html
I wanted to inform you that a website has been started as of March 31th, 2008 as an Internet Petition to Recall Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. This site can be found at http://www.recallkwame.org. The site is not directed at the City Council of Detroit. It is directed at Gov. Jennifer Granholm and what we feel she needs to do.
This petition allows for all individuals of Michigan to sign the petition, not just the citizens of Detroit. Not only is the City of Detroit being affected by the Mayors foils but so is the entire State of Michigan.
We would also appreciate your support by emailing or notifying your family, friends, co-workers, news organizations or anyone else that you feel would be interested in the petition. Thank you for your support !
For those of you who think Kwame should not resign and are not residents, you are entitled to your opinions.However, as a resident, what Kwame does affects my quality of life relative to City services. He should resign and for those of you who think that he should not encouraage him to move to your city and consider running for Mayor.
I work for a major law firm in Detroit and I live within seeing distance of Mayor Kilpatrick's home. The infamous house party that everyone claims did not occur, actually did happen, I saw it.
It is SO much more than his blackness; if he were white he would be gone. You do Detroit a dis- service by stating it as such. He is a criminal, a liar, a thug, a womanizer and possibly a murderer, who dines high and hard on the backs of some of the most impoverished Americans in the USA and he does not give a damn. He needs to go but doesn’t want to give up the lifestyle and lawyers being paid for by Detroit people don’t believe for a second he is paying. We need help here, its will be a Detroit Riot this summer if he doesn’t go away. People are hurting, They are hungry, no jobs, no homes, no decent schools, guns, murder, drugs, dog fighting, and this is the Norm and has been for as long he has been Mayor. Want Him? He’s yours.
Excellent article. Well written!
Mayor Kilpatrick, you should resign.
And restore honor and dignity to your family's life. Get in a prayer closet.
Carlita, you are a strong sister, stay that way. I am praying for your continued strength and courage.
As for your husband, just tell him to cover up when you just got to reach out to touch him a little bit. It will help you mentally, temporarily. Get good counsel, too, now.
Tell your son that as long as you on Earth they better not ever treated ANY WOMAN as their Father has done. Or else... fill-in whatever you think is appropriate.
The citizens of Detroit must feel mighty sad, I know, I do.
Wake Up Call!
For all those women who are messing around with somebody else's husband, you should send them packing to their wives and tell them to get on their knees and ask GOD for instruction and guidance to be in a better relationship with their wife.
If the marriage is not going to work, get the paperwork straight and holler back--maybe.
Stop the madness in the family. Don't be a home wrecker!
As it stand the home wrecker gets the worst end of a stick.
It is shorter lived fantasy and carries the most shame and confusion for the woman, always.
The tingle ain't worth it, seriously.
Enough haters are being seen when they want to ride the coat tails of other haters. He will beat every last charge and for those who hat the Mayor so much leave the city. Leave the city for those who choose to stay here like myself! I don't have to hide like some and be anoymous.
This guy is a user and an abuser. And he's the worst kind..the kind who will put all of the people around him in jeopardy just to satisfy his own ego. That's the most dangerous kind of person to grant any kind of power to. He will abuse it at every level for every self serving purpose he can, and he will feel no remorse what-so-ever. Detroit deserves better.
Finally someone gets it. He was simply too young for the job. If you dont live here, you will never understand what we are going through. I ve lived here all my life and at 46 im embarassed to say i live here.
Dr. King looked forward to a day when African-Americans would be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Kwame's mess is almost entirely due to his lack of character.
Yes I agree he was "too young". Young black men only care about BOOTY and HOs and GETTIN PAID.
Dollah Bill, Y'all.
That's a very unfair statement. There are many A--holes but there are many good young men, who happen to be black.
I don't care what random idiots have to say about Kwame Kilpatrick. He is not a bad person. Also, his experience as mayor has nothing to do with black men as a whole.
Please resign! I think highly of the man however, sometimes one has to know when to throw in the towel. He continues to embarrass his family by remaining in power. This is a young man who is clearly not ready for such a prestigious position.
I feel sorry for Kwame. It's hard to know if a brother is being set up or if he really is messed up. Either way, he needs to step down, since it is tough to govern without the support of the people.
The problem is...
If Mayor Kilpatrick had just cheated on his wife (now I'm not going to tell any guy in any way that its OK to cheat on your wife---a real dumb thing to do) but if you do that and do it with your chief of staff (if he were CEO of a private company and all this came to light they'd do due diligence but they'd do it quickly and if he was found in error he'd be fired already!!!) and then to cost the City an additional 6 million dollars---that's "strike three" and you're out. Yes he's young, yes he's black but he also appears to have very bad judgement and if his wife can't trust him how can the citizens of the City???
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