Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cornell Prof Referred to His Students as “Black Bitches”?

Written on the blog Ebonymompolitics

“It has been two months since Cornell University Africana professor Grant Farred called two of his graduate students “Black bitches,” inciting upset among students and faculty of the program over the matter. According to the “Cornell Daily Sun,” Farred invited two female students, who have not been mentioned by name, to join him at a conference on February 5 and 6 at the University or Rochester. Farred’s advisees arrived late to the event. After the panel discussion the professor thanked the grad students for attending the conference. What he said next shocked the women. “When you both walked in, I thought, ‘Who are these Black bitches?’” he told them in a low voice. “  The students were visibly upset when he made the remark and he subsequently apologized. The university has been investigating the matter, but my question is should the professor be fired?

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