Thursday, December 30, 2010

Keith Olbermann Says that Fox News is “100% Bullshit”

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann went out of his way to take the war with Fox News to an entirely different level the other day. On his Twitter account, Olbermann repeatedly tweeted the words "Fox News is 100% Bullsh*t." He also spent much of his time specifically aiming at Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, stating that "I don't have as much hate or as many lies in me as O'Reilly."
Olbermann's latest stunt surely pleased most of his fans, many of whom hate Fox News as much as he does. I personally appreciate the candor of Olbermann's comments, and it's hard to disagree with him. The truth is that Fox News disrespects the entire concept of journalistic integrity and represents a part of America that many thought had disappeared long ago.
I am especially appreciative toward Olbermann for defending me in the past when Bill O'Reilly spent an entire week on his show trying to get me fired from Syracuse University. Olbermann rightly pointed out that O'Reilly used lies to attack me, and provided the quote to prove it. Olbermann's efforts didn't really work, however, as many of my Syracuse colleagues were so spooked by O'Reilly's electronic terrorism that I spent the next two years dealing with underhanded shenanigans from scholars who share O'Reilly's disdain for African American scholarship.


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