Sunday, May 31, 2009

Michael Eric Dyson Has Some Choice Words for Barack Obama

Is Michael Eric Dyson being critical Obama, loving him, hating him, or holding him accountable?  Dyson has joined a chorus of individuals in the black community asking for the President to show some love to his community.  Dyson’s words have rocked the Internet.  Click the image to watch his interview!


  1. Just another race pipe supping on the corporate (WHITE) dollar wbo need to pay his due to his corporate masters.

    Why don't we start a list of all of the things this pimp has actually done for the black community.

  2. What a race-pimp. Dyson comes across as a hating ass crab. What has he ever done to benifit the black community?

  3. Dyson is not a race pimp. While he seems to spend most of his energy focused on making money, you have to also say the same thing about Barack obama. Both of these men want power, and that's all there is to it. You can't fault him for doing the same thing as Barack. Speaking of race pimp, Obama relies heavily on black support, but does nothing for black people. Now what kind of pimp is that?

  4. Why does Dr. Boyce become a "crab in the barrel" because he takes an open and intellectual look at Dr. Dyson's comments concerning President Obama?

    Listening to the interview, it is imperative to people in the Black community to hold every president accountable to the issues that affect them and the ones they want to see addressed, especially any president that has received 97% of a certain population's vote. Also, along with the high percentage of the vote, the extremely high turnout numbers in some of the red states that turned blue should not be forgotten either. Dyson is not showing any disrespect to President Obama; he is only doing what he would do under the aforementioned circumstances, if the chief executive was white.

    We cannot go to "sleep" because of this historic election. There remain serious conditions that need to be addressed to our communities by the federal government, and we should have a better advocate and ally in office than we have ever.

  5. THSquare, I think that the true crabs in the barrel are the ones attacking Dr. Watkins for speaking honestly on Obama's policies. There are haters everywhere I guess.

  6. It isn't that these brothers/sisters are "crabs" either. They just need to find a way to more intelligently express themselves on a public forum.

    The point is that everyone may not agree with Dr. Boyce or Dyson, but they should have the common decency to respect themselves and those brothers by using intelligent language when voicing their opinions. Also, let us hear why you disagree, with facts, so we can see if there are any things we have missed and can agree upon to further the conversation.

  7. First thing I would like to pose is a new concept for establishing where somebody stands, no matter who they are. Does one serve the interests of God or the interests of the devil? Secondly I would humbly like to add that what we are watching today around the world is a paradigm shift that is putting all leadership on front street. The call is for a new genre of righteous,sharpest-minded caring people-centered, government.
    The real point is who is and what conditions are bringing about the rising stars/geniuses that this country and this planet needs? Too much energy is invested in criticisms when solutions are what is needed. HNIC of what? confusion? lack? degredation? immorality? Playerhating although real at the mundane and commonly practiced is a game for little-minded men who still carry their scars of being slaves. Marcus Garvey and George Washington Carver together had already solved today's political and economic problems. "Up you Mighty People You Can Accomplish What You Will"! Remember what happened? The war of minds betweem scholars and the grassroots continues to rob us. Malcolm admonished us to study history in order that we not repeat our mistakes. What if Obama is smarter that we give him credit and time for? What if we are smarter than we give ourselves time and credit for?
