Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Alma Mater: The University of Kentucky - Cheating Coach?

John Calipari coaches at my alma mater, The University of Kentucky. It’s very telling that this so-called “educational institution” would hire a guy like Calipari to coach its players.  Calipari is not about education.  He is only about basketball.  Hopefully, Kentucky will learn a lesson from hiring an alleged cheater to interact with their student athletes.

Click the image to read the story.



  1. Who cares? He is not hired to be their baby sitter; he is hired to be their basketball coach. I could care less if he doesn't care if they get a good education or not. His job is to win.

  2. The facts speak, over 90% of college & professional athletes do not graduate from college, yet, by their
    performances in sports create billions of revenues and according to
    Calvin Hill who operated the camp for over the hill athletes, over 95% end up on the streets and backroads of cities or jails without money or trade skills. We need to demand our youth get and education & pension.
