Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Malcolm, We Love you

America doesn’t care to remember the birth date of Malcolm X, but many of us do.  Malcolm was a respectful and educated child.  But the horrors of racism can breed an anger inside a man that is difficult to describe.  Continuous dehumanization, having others questioning your capabilities, and living in a world of double standards is enough to make any man burn on the inside.  It takes time and maturity to eventually let go of the anger and focus on strength through love.  That is what Malcolm represented, as he was one of the most articulate, focused and visionary leaders of the 20th century….in a fair world, he would have been President of the United States.

To this day, many are still ignorant about Malcolm’s actual legacy.  But the truth is that he was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.  In fact, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would never have been successful had it not been for the leadership of Malcolm X.  Malcolm made the sacrifice, Dr. King’s followers received some of the benefits.  We miss you Malcolm and we love you.  Thank you for being such a patriot.

A video of one of his speeches is below.  Click the image to watch. Enjoy!


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