“Some argue that as long as institutional decision-makers are not racist or discriminatory, things will work themselves out. The effects of 400 years of discrimination will just “wash away”, like dirty trash on a beach front. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Saying that institutionalized racism will just “work itself out” is like saying that if you remove your foot from the gas of a moving car, the car will start moving backward. That’s not the way things work. America has a broad social, economic and educational infrastructure which was developed to support and sustain the dominance of White males over everyone else. Americans who support such systems do not have to inject additional racism into the system, for the system has been getting injections for the past 400 years. All they have to do to maintain the racial disparity caused by the system is to do what they do today: support the system, defend the system, believe in the system and fight for the system. That keeps racism alive.”
This is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Black American Money: How Black People can Thrive in Capitalist America”, set to be released July 15, 2009
I am a forty two year old black man and all my life all I have heard about is racism and what white people do and have donetto black people. I am especially flabbergasted by blacks who develop through an institutionalized mentality then try and act as if they are so independant. If you are so self reliant, why are you worried about white people at all. If you are so intellectual why would u be worried about white people at all, if you are so progressive, why would u be worried about white people at all. Especially when all you really want is for them to act as if you are equal to them instead of forging out a basis of equality based on philosophical reasoning. I would like to know why it is that for the last twenty years, I have watched blacks in upscale circles every year perpetrate like they are just like the white man, then when a recessin or hard time hits, people start yelling about how bad it is. Why is it that when things are out of control and consumption is the call of the day, u are just like a white man, but when times get tough, u cry about being treated unfairly. Wealthy blacks need to deal with their holier than thou we can walk on water until a recession or hard time comes then we want to walk on the white man's back. Love and hate is a strange relationship and u people crack me up.
ReplyDeleteyou can think whatever u want about white people and our capitalist society, but if u think that u are right with your mentality, you are no better than those of them who erroneously believe that they are as good or better than I am; not humanly possible. Get a grip, get a life, then get out of the ghetto and realize that noone else gives a crap except the next brother or sister next to you who doesn't realize that life doesn't evolve around or in the ghetto. And for the upper class who act as if they white man should treat them as equals, you are what you act like and the reality is most black people act like they can't think worth shit. We should start going to school to get a clue, then someone might hire us for a job. Most of us are blinded by our own stupidity and ghetto ethics even when we don't live in the ghetto. Just like trailer trash, hood rats are going to become an invisible subculture that does nothing but feed the prison system, keep it up. Change or perish.