Friday, May 22, 2009

Boyce Watkins and Charlamagne Tha God Rip Up the Philly Market

WPHI Radio in Philadelphia (100.3 “The Beat”), one of the leading urban radio stations in Philadelphia, now has “Charlamagne Tha God” as their morning host.   Charlamagne has teamed up with Syracuse Professor Dr. Boyce Watkins to bring commentary every Thursday at 8:48 am.  Dr Boyce and Charlamagne will discuss issues of the week, money, hip hop, and general Black social commentary.  Charlamagne was once the co-host of “The Wendy Williams Experience”, which had 11 million listeners nation-wide.  Dr. Boyce Watkins is one of the most highly sought after Black intellectuals in the world, making regular appearances on CNN, BET, CBS and more.  He is also the resident scholar for AOL Black Voices the most popular Black News website in America, with 114,000 readers per day.  For more information, please visit


  1. See its this kind of foolishness that got you shit-canned from Syracuse. "charlamagne tha god"???

  2. This is great Dr B. Please keep bringin your knowledge to the people. Charlamagne is a great additoin to Philly.

  3. Don't worry about the association Dr B. White folks got stupid when Cornel West started communicating with the hip hop community too. You should keep digging deeper, since these brothers need you. White folks can have their ivory tower that no one cares about. We need you working with the people.

  4. Charlamagne Tha God is one of the most respected radio show hosts in the nation. This is quite an achievement and you will reach alot of black people this way. I am glad to see brothers of all backgrounds coming together and not letting the white man break us apart. Good stuff.

  5. "I am glad to see brothers of all backgrounds coming together and not letting the white man break us apart. Good stuff."

    Since when did you crabs in a barrell ever need the white man to "break us apart?" You people excell at doing that to yourself.

  6. Did he just say "you people". I love it when white people show their asses and remind us that having a black president doesn't mean racism is dead.
