Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pastor Brad Braxton: Praising the “Lawud” Apparently Pays Pretty Good

Reverend Brad Braxton.

I read today about the financial compensation package of pastor Brad Braxton of the New Riverside Church in Manhattan.  Here is the breakdown of Braxton’s compensation:

  • $250,000 in salary.
  • $11,500 monthly housing allowance.
  • Private school tuition for his child.
  • A full-time maid.
  • Entertainment, travel and "professional development" allowances.
  • Pension and life insurance benefits.
  • An equity allowance for Braxton to save up to buy a home.
  • On top of that, Braxton immediately hired a new second in command at more than $300,000 a year.
  • The total value of the package is estimated to be $600,000 per year. 

    All I can say is “wow”.  No disrespect to this man or his congregation, but he would NOT be preaching at my church.  What was most problematic about the church’s decision to give Braxton such a ridiculous compensation package was that they didn’t seem to clear it with the membership, many of whom are filing suit over Braxton’s pay. As a Finance Professor, I must admit that I personally become uncomfortable hearing men and women of God talking about money more than I do.  I must disagree with Rev. TD Jakes, who said that “Jesus is a product”.  Sorry brother, Nikes are a product.  Cheeseburgers are a product.  Jesus is a spirit that should lead us to pursue a good that is greater than our bank accounts.  I am not sure if many pastors agree with that assessment. 


    1. If this had been a white pastor getting paid Boyce would have left it alone.

    2. A preacher should not be making this kinda money.

    3. Thanks for posting his salary and benefits. Now, please post yours.

      He most likely has gotten rich by exploiting people in the name of Jesus; you most definitely have gotten rich by exploiting black people in the name of "scholarship."

      If you were a preacher, I wouldn't allow you to preach at my church.

    4. A preacher making this kind of money without getting full permission of the congregation is very different from a professor earning his money by getting paid for writing books and speaking engagements. It's not as if you are going to the blog and being asked to pay Dr Boyce's salary. So, it appears that the HAM has struck again with this stupid comment. How much money you make is not as important as how you make it. If this man were to get his money outside the church, it would be a different thing. Also, a man of God is supposed to focus on doing things that are Christian, not making money.

    5. Whoever thinks that a world famous professor should make the same money that a pastor makes from one congregation is stupid. All professions do not pay the same. Also, I agree that where you get your money matters too. If this guy were going to his job or on tv making this kinda money, that would be different. But he got it from the congregation and they didn't even ask their permission!

    6. From my reading of the situation, over 60% of the congregants approved of the new pastor's compensation package, even though it does seem quite excessive. To put it in perspective, the last pastor's package was roughly half that amount-$300K.

      The bigger issue Dr. Watkins seems to be making is the point about the so-called "prosperity" preachers claiming that God or Jesus is a product. To monetize to gospel or its healing properties sends an extremely troubling message.

      Now, to our esteemed friend the HAM, nobody on this post seemed to suggest what Dr. Watkins should make. He'll make what Syracuse University deems necessary to keep a tenured professor of his pedigree, and he'll make what he can command what he can through speaking engagements, book sales, etc. Why do you continue to post on his blog if you are so disgusted by this man? That's some sort of neurosis. By the way, why don't you use a handle? We all say HAM or Honey Glazed HAM-LMAO

    7. Way to go Dr. Boyce. I see that you working with those racists at amren:

    8. Next he will be repping Pastor Manning:

    9. The church is a private organization, so why does Dr. Boyce think it is okay to ridicule this man for how much he is making. Also, how do you know that this man is focusing on making money, and not on what is Christian? The Bible clearly says that the Laborer is worthy of his hire? Do you think what Dr. Boyce does is any more important than what the pastor does?

      To be clear, I think how much money this pastor is making sounds fishy, but at the same time, I do not see why Dr. Boyce is putting this man's personal business out there for everyone to see. My point was, since he thinks it is okay to post this man's salary and benefits for all of us to see, I would like for him to do the same thing with the facts about his own compensation.

      By the way, what does having a handle have to with anything? And what do y'all mean by ham? Is that supposed to be some sort of racist comment? If so, I would not be surprised. Many people on here who decry the racism of whites, spew some of the most racist, vitriolic speech I have ever read.

    10. HAM is the Hatin Ass Mufucka who comes to the blog all the time just to make stupid, negative comments. We suspect he is a klansman.

      Also, if this man's pay package were ok, his parishioners would not be filing a lawsuit. Not only was this a drain on resources that should be used for the community, it was also something that was not cleared by all the members of the church who supply the money to make the church operate.

      Also, a preacher doesn't need to make half a million dollars a year. Getting paid for your labor is not the same as trying to milk the church for all the money you can get. God is not a business and Jesus did not live this way. If you can prove that Jesus would take this kind of pay package, then you have a point. Otherwise, you should probably be quiet.

    11. I agree Big Earl. Pastors trying to make as many millions as they can from the people who support Jesus doesn't quite add up. You are not there to make your bank account big off your congregation, you are supposed to be serving the lord.

    12. If I were in that church, I would sue too.

    13. $600,000 a year? For what? Do you really need that much money to run a church? Is he a professional athlete or a man of God?

    14. $600,000 a year? For what? Do you really need that much money to run a church? Is he a professional athlete or a man of God?

    15. Okay, first of all, to answer your ignorant question, "would Jesus take this kind of pay package" my guess would be no. He is the King of Kings. The earth is his and the fullness thereof. All that exists is His, so He doesn't need that money. Furthermore, Jesus was the Savior of the world, not a pastor. I do not how you can equate the two. I do know this though, Jesus would not use the kind of hateful, filthy speech that you are using.

      Also, a few members of this church are suing this pastor, but obviously the majority voted in favor to instate him and his financial package, or he wouldn't have been hired.

      By the way, I already said this amount of money seems fishy. Yet, you cannot seem to get the point I was making. I am saying that Dr. Boyce does not have any business spreading this kind of news about a private's pay within a private organization. If the organization does not feel this pastor is worthy of the money, then they do not have to hire him.

      Anyway, I come to this website so I can keep up with what many people are thinking. Also, I hope that I kind share some perspectives that may change some of your minds about some things. Dr. Boyce doesn't want this site to be an amen choir, so quit trying to ridicule me and others in hope that we will leave.
