Friday, March 6, 2009

Dr Boyce to discuss Chris Brown on CNN Today at 3 pm EST

Dr Boyce Watkins will be on CNN today with Rick Sanchez at 3 pm discussing domestic violence on college campuses and in the Black community.  As you know, this is an issue that matters to Dr. Watkins and is a critical component of his Scholarship in Action campaign to improve the lives of college students. 

To get more information on Dr. Watkins and his work, please visit

Sincerely Shauntay Prewitt
Assistant for Dr. Boyce Watkins


  1. Dayum Dr. Boyce! One minute you tabloid the next you Wall Street Journal. You confusing me my brother.

  2. Why in the world are you needed to discuss domestic violence issues? I thought your PhD. was in finance, not psychology.

    I guess CNN wanted you because you are a black man. Is it time to ride on them for being racist?

  3. He's also a college professor and he mentioned that domestic violence is a big problem for college students. Thank you for speaking out on this Dr. Boyce

  4. I just want to know what insight on this matter can Dr. Boyce give other than a simple opinion. His field is in finance not sociology or psychology. Hell he isn't even in a meaningful relationship. Not to start any rumors but if that doesn't scream "DL Brother" I don't know what does. Thats also what I'm hearing from MY people.

  5. Dr Boyce is a college professor so he is probably doing this to help young people. Calling him a DL brother because he speaks up for women gives no credibility to your opinion at all.....unless you the one trying to fuck him! LOL
