Sunday, March 29, 2009

African American News: Bill O’Reilly Loses a Major Corporate Sponsor

After the national protests by, and, UPS is finally getting the point.  Recently, the company sent out an email stating that they are no longer going to advertise on The O’Reilly Factor. 

Bill O’Reilly harassed Dr. Boyce Watkins last year in an effort to have him fired from Syracuse University for speaking against his racism during the Obama Campaign.  Watkins had also called for a boycott of Bill O’Reilly’s corporate sponsors.  Keith Olbermann later supported Watkins, stating that O’Reilly’s attacks were unwarranted and that everything that Watkins said was true.

Read the email below:

Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this show.


  1. Let’s be frank. Your Black World had nothing–whatsoever–to do with this. Think Progress mobilized a battalion of supporters, and shut down FOX News–single-handedly.

  2. Your Black World protested before anyone else. The other groups just followed their lead. Look at the dates, and look at Bill O's response. He responded to yourblackworld a long time ago in anger.

  3. Babee does this mean you can spend more time wit ur boi???

  4. Your Black World might have protested last year, but UPS' decision to halt sponsorship of the O'Reilly show was a direct result of the pressure Think Progress began putting on O'Reilly's sponsor last week:

    Dr. Watkins and Your Black World had nothing, whatsoever, to do with this decision by UPS. It's a moral lapse to take credit for something unearned--simple and plain.

  5. "It's a moral lapse to take credit for something unearned--simple and plain."

    See theres the problem. Boyce is a huckster; he has no morals.

  6. The Your Black World coalition was the first organization to actively send out 12 million anti-Bill O'reilly banner ads and to get a massive protest going. Keith Olbermann then spoke of their protest on their website. What is dumb is that rather than celebrating the fact that people worked together for good, the people at Think progress want to take all the credit. The article clearly states that work was done by multiple organizations. But as someone who has followed Dr. Boyce's work for 3 years, I can tell you that he was doing national tv and radio interviews on Bill O'Reilly and telling people to boycott his sponsors long before the Think Progress group ever jumped on the band wagon.

    So stop your hatin. We were doing this long before you guys were.

  7. I notice that there is an active discussion on the blog and I encourage all of you to use your voice, even those of you who hate my guts. That is a natural part of racial history and it is also part of being American.

    I didn't post this article, but I give Think Progress as much credit as they deserve in this work. I also will say that the Your Black World Family will continue pushing against Bill O'Reilly and anyone else who promotes hate in America. I honestly don't give a damn who gets the credit for all this.

    Congrats to Think Progress, but congrats to the Your Black World people. Our company did put a great deal of money into our anti-O'Reilly campaign and I can tell those who believe me that much of the money came out of my own pocket.

    Also, thanks to the naysayers on the blog, you keep the conversation interesting! Good work!

  8. Sweet! The head jigga himself steps in to speak. Thank you for honoring us with your presence.

    Don't patronize us with your Martin Luther King imitation. Your fullof crap and yo know it.

  9. Great! Let's keep it going! I remember making my calls and sending emails after you sent out the call Dr Boyce, and we have soldiers ready to march when it's time to go after Oreilly again. People like that should not be on tv.

  10. I think UPS' response clears the air, and says it all:

  11. 3/26

    "UPS values and takes seriously the comments from personal emailers and those posted on your site [Think Progress] regarding advertising that appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s FOX News show. We are sensitive to the type of television programming where our messages and presence are associated and continually review choices to affect future decisions. Further investigation is underway related to this placement."

    "Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this show."

  12. Here is where Keith Olbermann discusses Dr. Boyce's boycott of O'Reilly corporate sponsors (long before other organizations followed his lead):

  13. are yall so stupid that you are worried about who gets the credit? I dont' think Boyce is saying that he did it all himself. But the drones from thinkprogress seem to want to argue that they did everything. That shows that they don't care about dealing with Oreilly, they only care about getting credit for it.

  14. This is what I like to see! You people are making Willie Lynch proud!

  15. A simple question (and I don't mean to be crude):

    How many corporations stopped boycotting FOX News when Your Black World protested last year?

    -- There simply is no correlation between Your Black World's protests, LAST YEAR, and what occurred on last week Friday.

  16. How much correlation is there between the life of Henry Ford and the creation of the Ford Mustang? He didn't do it, but he was the first to start the ball rolling. Think progress just followed the lead of Dr Boyce and Nas. They were late in the game. Just because you are the straw that breaks the camel's back, that don't mean you put all the straw on there in the first place.

  17. "Here is where Keith Olbermann discusses Dr. Boyce's boycott of O'Reilly corporate sponsors (long before other organizations followed his lead):"

    If you think Your Black World was the first company to propose a boycott of FOX News' corporate sponsors, I don't know how to deliver you from your unregulated ignorance. Do your research, please!

  18. dam dude, that analogy with Ford was deep. Well I'm a fan of Dr Boyce, I don't give a fuck about some liberal racist white organization anyway! Think progres is wack!

  19. Notice that think progress didn't give a fuck about Oreilly's racism, they only started trippin when a white woman got attacked. Typical Nancy Grace bullshit.

  20. Did Watkins "give a fuck" two months ago, when Michelle Obama was being attacked by FOX News and Juan Williams?

  21. And anybody with a brain... scratch that, eyes can see she isn't White, but rather Asiatic.

  22. Your Black World is awesome! We need more activism like this to give black people a voice!

  23. Why hasn't Your Black World or ColorofChange expressed any concern about Michelle Obama constantly being attacked by FOX News and Juan Williams?

    Why have none of the black journalists or columnist expressed any concern about Michelle Obama constantly being attacked by FOX News and Juan Williams?

    Are they afraid of losing their jobs? Are they afraid?

  24. @ detroit town:

    I guess so.

  25. I will be using FexEx for now on.

  26. Hooray for YourBlackWorld! I love being part of this family, this is exactly what the black community needs.
