Sunday, December 21, 2008

The World's Biggest Negro - Jesse Lee Peterson

I don't hate Jesse Lee Peterson. I just don't take him seriously. You have to search high and low to find such a walking cartoon character. In this video, Jesse actually does, in an incredibly sincere way, thank America for slavery and the fact that his ancestors were brought over in chains. He compares the Middle Passage to "an uncomfortable trip", that was "like a crowded airplane flight".

I am not quite sure what to say about this. I should only note that this kind of commentary goes to show that Black people should not legitimize Fox News just because they have a little bit of money and an audience. Stupidity is stupidity, even if it is distributed nation-wide.

I have never been on a show with Jesse, although I was invited to be on his radio show. I declined the interview, because I don't think that it would have been a productive dialog. I am actually fascinated by Jesse, as I simply wonder where people like him come from. Where was he raised? What did his parents teach him? How hard did Fox News have to search to find someone willing to say the things he says? I ask these questions with the honest curiosity of a school kid. I truly want to know how Jesse Lee Petersons of the world are created.

I am beyond being outraged about people like Jesse. I just think that we should all be aware that they exist. Jesse and others like him are the manifestation of a serious social disease created by 400 years of American racism and oppression, and this is the kind of thinking created by a school system that puts black boys in special education by the boat load, and black men in prison by the bus load. If we are ever going to truly prosper and come together as a nation, this kind of thing must be confronted and dealt with. I am tired of holding hands and singing "We shall overcome."

The video is below - I hope you laugh as hard as I did.


  1. Drea hesh yo mouf. white folks be readin dis blog an you makin us look bad.

  2. One can only pity Jesse Lee Peterson and anyone else who can honestly accept this kind of nonsense. Fox News just LOVES people like him. His words not only exonerate the white man for slavery but helps people like Hannity and O'Reilly feel justified in their racism and delusions of superiority. Fox News would like every black man, woman and child to think like Peterson. He's playing straight into their hands and it's very sad. It's also an enormous insult to the Africans who endured unspeakable suffering and loss. It's also an enormous insult to every ancestor of every African American who suffered entire lifetimes of struggle and abuse so that their children and grandchildren might just have a better life. Jesse Lee Peterson is a wonderful example of how generations of oppression can actually twist and deform the mind. I would have liked to laugh at this but I couldn't.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jesse Lee Peterson is an uncle tom.

    Anons, anons, anons please get a life!

  5. RhondaCoca eat a dick and follow your own advice about getting a life! You also might want to go natural girlfriend. Your edges look shot.

  6. Who are these sick people that keep coming to the blog? Telling someone to eat a ----- might be advice you should give your own mother. But then again, they say that if you are attracting this many haters, you must be doing something right. I love it when white folks are showing their ignorance.

    Anyway, this is a good article Dr. B, thanks for the good advice.

  7. ur boy marc lamont hill phd tomming on the oreilly show again. yall still down or do you put him min the same category as peterson?

  8. Marc Lamont Hill is certainly nothing like Jesse Lee Peterson, I am sure Dr. Boyce would agree with that. Marc's commentary is intelligent and he challenges O'Reilly directly. Dr Watkins has made note of this difference in one of his eblasts.
