Tuesday, November 25, 2008

President Obama Should Help in Darfur


  1. Can you spare us the break dancing at the beginning and rap playing in the background? And you wonder why white folks don't take you serious.

  2. Really? That's your beef? It's clear you harbor some political contentions with a Black man who advocates for the liberation of Black people.

  3. First of all, congress should decide to intervene in foreign countries, not the president.

    I love how democrats and republicans decry the tyranny of government action when there not in office, but as soon as they are in power they want to govern tyrannically.

    It is not the U.S. government job to cure the ills of the world. I am sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but it is absolutely true. Let the U.N. do its "job" and take care of these tragic situations.

  4. "If you have no critics, you will likely have no success.", Malcolm X.
