Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Value of a good Education

I can't emphasize enough the importance of getting as much education as you can and being the best student you can be. I've always been shocked at how many of our kids will spend 8 hours a day working at some crappy job at McDonalds, yet they won't sit down and study for 4 hours a day. They will spend hundreds of hours working on a jump shot, but won't spend 1/10 of that time in front of a text book. We need to make better investments.

Here are some thoughts I have on the issue in a speech I gave recently. Enjoy!

Education Part 1

Education Part 2
Education Part 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject , but Obama sure is picking A LOT of white folks for his cabinet/advisers. So much for change and diversity.