Thursday, January 10, 2008

John Kerry Endorses Barack Obama

This morning, I got a call from American Urban Radio Networks. Kim Lampkins, a highly respected journalist with whom I've worked many times, wanted me to comment on the rumor that John Kerry is going to endorse Barack Obama. I love working with Kim, and also Brian Evans, both of whom have done award-winning work for the black community.

My opinion on Kerry's endorsement? It is a major strike for Obama. He still has to work his way out of the role of being Hillary Clinton's black baby brother. She also mentioned that Michael Bloomberg has even said that if Obama gets the nomination, he won't run for president. I thought that to be a powerful statement by a man who truly cares about the country. In other words, I respect Bloomberg.

People are starting to see what the Clintons are all about. For black people, they've always played the role of benevolent overseer, and the fact that Bill Clinton is bashing Obama so hard these days shows exactly how badly they want to get back into the White House.

I am personally offended by the behavior of the Clintons lately, and Hillary's decision to cry on stage was an all-time low for her in my book. I am not sure if anyone wants to think that their commander in chief is going to cry when things get tough.

Moving on, I finally reminded the audience of one important fact: Obama is still the underdog. Some think that the momentum he has created is sustainable, and it may not be. I've seen it in the past with the campaigns of John McCain and Ross Perot. The truth of the matter is that a fire must burn with wood, not paper, and to this point, Obama still has a paper fire. He is not entrenched enough in the establishment to ensure himself the connections and capital necessary to do what he wants, when he wants. Hillary is.

At the same time, he has the chance, unlike any other, to be remembered as a modern day version of John F. Kennedy. I even saw a black and white photo with him and his family that clearly reminds you of the Kennedy family back in the day. I hope that his wife Michelle is not serious about keeping him from running again if he doesn't win. It would be a victory for her marriage and family, but a huge loss for a billion people around the world.

Barack Obama is a Super Hero for the people, and we need him. I hope Michelle understands that.


Anonymous said...

Kerry doesn't stick with anything and he is like Al Gore, a guy who ran a failed election campaign. I hope that Obama is not taking too many notes from these losers, or we are going to end up with another retard in the White House.

cognitorex said...

The "Fairy Tale" in the Clinton campaign
Bill Clinton nakedly lied to the nation and the fact that the Democrats are not discussing it in no way means that it has gone away. His national standing was then so hemorrhaged that he became quasi toxic in the 2000 election thus single handedly denying Gore his Presidential due. It somehow seems dead wrong that a process has begun, the culmination of which will be to again place this once disgraced man in the White House. We live in the era where stardom supersedes values for the masses, a la American Idol and the "Brittany" effect, but primary voters and the Democratic Party should think long and hard before they offer philandering Bill the first spouse position.
I love Bill and could easily vote for the Clinton him/her or her/him combo but there is a "Fairy Tale" being told in the Clinton electioneering speeches.
The fairy tale is that Hillary can remotely match Mr Obama's ability to affect change in Washington. She/he can claim more experience in the legislative process, etc. but the fact that so many people despise her/him will end up with the legislative process being hallmarked by brutal antagonism. Look for the first ever Republican congressperson to perform self immolation rather than give Bill and Hillary passage of any historic legislation. Sadly, Hillary's potential to affect change will be more than offset by partisanship on day one of her reentering the White House. The Clintons simply carry too much antagonism and other negative baggage to approach Mr. Obama's potential for a massive November turn out and his potential for systemic change in Washington leading to a modicum of national healing.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.