Dr. Boyce Watkins
The financial markets experienced a recent rise of over 900 points, nearly double the one-day record. Just that morning (before the increase), I was asked by the Tom Joyner Morning Show whether or not investors should shy away from the market when prices are down. I explained the following:
1) When the market declines, that is not the time to run away. It is the time to run TOWARD the market. You don't buy when prices are high, you buy when prices are low.
2) The key words to remember for stock market investing are BUY and HOLD. That means that you buy a diversified portfolio (spread your money out, as in a mutual fund) and let your money grow. You are not out to try to pick the right stocks at the right time, since that will drive you insane and cause you to lose money.
3) Historically, when the market goes down, it has always come back up. So, I told Tom that I was not changing my portfolio one bit, and I was even going to over-invest in the market while it was low. In the financial research I've been doing for the past 15 years, one thing is true: the stock market tends to reverse itself over short, medium and long-term horizons. Typically, if the market declines a great deal during one week, the next week, on average, tends to be strong positive. This is due to investor overreaction, which can occur during a panic like the one we've had this past week. But remember: your goal as an investor is not to spend your time trying to predict the stock market, your goal is to build wealth.
Visit www.DrBoyceFinance.com for more information. You can also check out some of our videos at YouTube.com/DrBoyceFinance.
Remember to always own the land on which you stand. You are now the teacher, so please share this message with others.
I see you posting anonymous Boyce. Whats up, you scared folk?
Boyce did the same shit when he was a guest blogger at Blackprof.com. He likes to get a bunch of mess started and when people call him on it he blames it on racism. And he wonders why he is regulated to the sidelines. Heres some advice Boyce; check out your homeboy Dr. Hill. He ain't selling out and you see him on Fox all the time successfully defending "our" causes. Retire the dashiki and lose the Nat X persona. It ain't getting you or us anywhere my brother.
To the random white boy making stupid comments - The fact that you have nothing better to do than to stalk black websites saying racist things says something about your significance in the world - You have none.
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