It appears that my alma mater, The University of Kentucky, hasn't changed a bit. Below is a statement issued by the President of The University of Kentucky, Dr. Lee Todd, regarding an effigy of Barack Obama that was found hanging from a tree on campus. I don't blame Dr. Todd for what has happened, but the fact of the matter is that these incidents have been occurring on this campus (which I call "The Ultimate Plantation") for over 120 years. When someone sent me this written statement, I replied with a statement of my own to the student:
Thanks for sending this Rosalynn. Perhaps President Todd should put that energy and sentiment into finding more diversity within his senior faculty and teaching real and meaningful lessons on diversity to the student body. The problem is that UK has, for the most part, only paid lip service to its commitment to African Americans, which has caused us to endure over 120 years of this kind of abuse.
This happened to me when I was a student there, and it's the reason I did not send my daughter or God daughters to UK. The President and his administration must show true leadership on this issue and not simply distribute carefully written statements. Hopefully the students will challenge President Todd to back up his words with action.
Be well and thanks for sending this,
Unfortunately, this morning an effigy of Senator Barack Obama was discovered hanging in a tree on campus. I am personally offended and deeply embarrassed by this disgusting episode. This is not reasonable political expression; it is just malicious. And it is unacceptable.
On behalf of the University of Kentucky I apologize to Senator Obama and his family. I will personally assure them that this is not who we are as a University or as a state.
As President of the University of Kentucky, I feel outraged and hurt. I am outraged because we work very hard, every day, to build bridges across the divides. Diversity and inclusion are among our most precious core values. Episodes like this serve only to erode our confidence in and respect for one another.
Regardless of your political opinions or the candidates you support, a University such as ours must be a place where spirited discussion can take place, but within the bounds of civility, common sense, and respect for the views and feelings of others. We have insisted - and we will continue to insist - that we as a University and as a state rise above hatred and acts of malice or ignorance. The line separating civil discourse from unacceptable behavior has been crossed, constituting a clear violation of the University's code of ethics, and possibly constituting criminal acts, which would also violate University regulations. Such acts will not be tolerated. Those found responsible will be subject to the full force of university, state, and federal rules and regulations.
There is an on-going investigation into this incident, which includes federal authorities. If you have any information that would assist in this investigation you have a responsibility to contact the UK Police Department (257-1616).
I'm sure you feel just as strong about this:
Your silence on the above post reeks of cowardice.
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