Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Does Palin's Daughter Have a Black Baby Daddy?

OK, I need to know if this is really the case, so if someone could tell me.....could this brother really be the father of Sarah Palin's expected grandchild? I am not going to say a word about it until it is confirmed, although one can speak volumes on the racial double standard behind her 17-year old unmarried pregnant daughter (i.e. we all know that Obama's daughters would not be perceived the same way by the media).

Watch the video and tell me what you think:


Also, for those who really don't believe I'm a rapper, you can see me in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK1lO4Btjvk

I don't have much else to say today. I just had to find out what people know about Sarah Palin's daughter. We know how much the world loves black men (behind closed doors, of course). It is not my goal to smear Sarah Palin, but if this young man's story is true, I would like to see some questions answered. But then again, black people tend to take over the gene pool, so I am sure the baby's face will tell the whole story.


Anonymous said...

Whether this story is true or not, I think this young brother had better watch his back. The Republicans are desperate to win the White House. They will eliminate anyone and anything that stands in the way of this goal.

T O said...

Word to Anonymous. That's why I don't believe he would risk his life and that of his family -- all for a cheap publicity stunt. I hardly get caught up in rumors, but if this is legit, the sky is the only limit.

Anonymous said...

I am very concerned about this story. Many of the far right are adept at race baiting, and this story would be tailor made. One concern I have...my understanding is the last name is pronounced Pay - Lin. The young man pronounces Bristol's last name as Pal - in. Hmmm. Be very careful. If he is, indeed, the father, he can sue for paternity testing and his rights. Of course, that will be well after the election. It is mudslinging until proved true. I say don't spread it around, it could easily come back to bite us.

I've already seen a number of stories circulaiting about Palin that are untrue...the bikini with rifle picture is a fake...while the story about her wanting books banned in the local library, the list associated with it is a fake.
There's enough about her that we can substantiate that make her an unsuitable candidate. Don't stoop to their tactics (Obama is a muslim terrorist, he was sworn in with the Koran, etc)

pdl007 said...

I believe there is something to this story. I suppose this answers the question alot of people were asking.... Palin proudly says her daughter and her boyfriend plan to get married.... If thats the case then what the heck are they waiting for?! How pregnant does she have to be?... It would have been a better look if they got married before the VP announcement.... HELLO!... I think the boyfriend is waiting to get a look at that baby before he marries that girl! It will be interesting to see how this plays out... Will Palin proudly show off her grandbaby and throw a wedding or will the public never see the baby and the wedding will quietly fade away.... I think that baby's complexion will decide the outcome.

Anthony said...

Yo Dog, perhaps you and Sarah Palin's baby daddy Kevin, could write a duet and create a rap video - I'm still bugging out over your "confession."

At any rate, I just don't know what to think of this. I'm really beginning to believe that if this all becomes/remains a Casey Anthony-like episode, that we will definitely have a white house that will make George Bush II's tenure look like a Black Panther double term.

Expanding the subject a bit, although I highly respect your commentary and views, I implore you to focus. I implore you to use your energy and position to focus on electing Barack Obama. Yes, I'm suggesting that you drink the Cool-Aide my brotha. You can spit it out after he's elected, but please stop with the fringe discussions about how Barack doesn't "respect his elders," etc. There is plenty of time for that - after he is elected. The stakes are too high and the McCain/Palin duo is too scary.

Now, back to more serious matters - a critique of your rap skills. (sigh) :-\

ummm, let's just say that you have an afinity for really, really... really old school styles (circa 1980).

Did I mention I make beats?

Anonymous said...

If she is 5 months along in the pregnancy, we'll know shortly unless by some miracle of genetics the baby appears to be completely white.

Anonymous said...

If she's 5 months pregnant, that would mean the young man was in Alaska in April, at least. He said he was there for 2 months "last summer"!?! Doesn't add up if, indeed she's been pregnant that long.

Anonymous said...

Your flow is sick Dr. Boyce! I hope this hits mainstream radio.

Anonymous said...

Your flow is sick Dr. Boyce! I hope this hits mainstream radio.

Anonymous said...

Your flow is sick Dr. Boyce! I hope this hits mainstream radio.

Anonymous said...

This story has been on YouTube since last week. This is one story I won't be passing around.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that he Politicals would not have know of this situation before allowing Sen. Palin to become a running partner for the Vice Presidency. Maybe, if this is true, it can be supported by a DNA test.

pobaldy said...

you're beginning to imitate sharpton, who i adore and very much appreciate, and tawana brawley over this one. i would allow it to play out in mainstream media, and let the facts speak for themselves.

once you, or most of what i consider to be progressive ezines/blogs, try to titillate as freely as outmoded press, you drive the point that readers need to focus on our own homes.

pobaldy said...


Kween said...

After viewing the video, the kid seems sincere. But i'm not sure how credible his story is and what realy makes him sure that this is the correct thing to do. He says it is not to boost his music career, but I somewhat beg to differ. Like the other respondant said, he'd better be careful. "The Party" do and can do what they want, when they want, and to whom they want.

Now, I'm not wishing ill on the young man, but I just hope an pray that this doesnt get too ugly and out of hand that he cant handle it all.

Anonymous said...

I think there are some important issues that need to be discussed here that deal mainly with Governor Palin rather than this young black man who has supposedly fathered a child with the Govs daughter.

First and foremost, Governor Palin has referred to Senator Barack Obama as "Sambo".http://www.laprogressive.com/2008/09/05/alaskans-speak-in-a-frightened-whisper-palin-is-%E2%80%9Cracist-sexist-vindictive-and-mean%E2%80%9D/

(I wonder what she will call her grandchild when it shows up dark hued.)

Secondly, her policies,aspirations and overall lack of FOREIGN AFFAIRS experience leaves me thinking that we're all doomed if she and McCain make it to the White House.

We need to be blogging about how to get all of us to the polls to REGISTER and VOTE. Let's strategize on how we can accomplish record voter turnout come November. I have my sleeves rolled up and I am ready!!!!!!!!! Let's ROLL my SISTERS AND BROTHERS!!!!!!!

Yana said...

Well If what the young man says isn't true (being the baby's father) it seems to be apparent that they may have indeed shared an intimate moment together. How will others take that in itself?

Anonymous said...

we need 2 wait until she gives birth,the baby alone will be the deciding factor.In the meantime i want this young man to be careful
his life could be in jeapordy.


no.he's not the real father.the real father is the man who's always with her and the family.there's going to be so many men claiming to be the father just to get publicity.

reesiepoo said...

This man does not even know Sarah Palin's daughter. He probably just saw the bldg. where she went to school.

He couldn't pronounce the name Palin. He is an imposter, and should take care of his own children. I hope he steps up to the plate like this for present or future progeny.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Boyce:
Not Cool. You are much too intelligent to goship about whether Palin's grandchild is black. I am quite surprized by your approach on this matter. Anyway, I won't listen to your rap, I'm sure it cool. Stay professional please.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above. Dr. Boyce made it clear that he is not speculating, but feels this issue needs to be discussed. It's stupid to keep this quiet if this man has a legitimate case.

Anonymous said...

It might surprise some that I have chosen to do hip hop. It is part of who I am, love it or hate it. The truth about me is that if you know me long enough, I am eventually going to do something that you either don't like or don't understand. Although I appreciate those who support me, I don't do what I do to have "fans". I do what I do in my eternal quest for self-actualization.

With regard to the article about Palin, I made it clear that I am not accusing Palin or her family of anything. However, I was asking the people in our network if anyone had other information that might help us find out if this is true. I have defended Sarah Palin, particularly from those who claim that she is only a good candidate because she is pretty....I consider that to be an insult to all women. If we are going to challenge her, it should be on the issues. I think that a relevant issue, should this be the case, is the consistent hypocrisy on the part of Republicans, in which they seem to claim they have a monopoly on personal responsibility, when the truth is that many of them have more skeletons in their closet than Jeffrey Dahmer.

I really want to know if this brother could be the father of Palin's child. Not only am I curious, but if anything he says is true, then we cannot rely on the non-black media to allow this black man to tell his story. We must do it ourselves. Believe me...if this were Obama's daughter who was pregnant, Obama would be described as yet another black father ignoring his responsibility.


Anonymous said...

This story is irrelevant, and should be treated as such. Giving any attention to it, in a serious forum, is reminiscent of the trend in media outlets like Fox News, among others (distraction, distortion, and deception).

Anonymous said...

I've heard from alot of people that this story is not a hoax. The guy is for real.

Anonymous said...

I've heard from alot of people that this story is not a hoax. The guy is for real.

Ms. Kay said...

Unreservedly,I am taking the position that this young mans claim is legitimate. First of all, he sets forth a credible, rationale set of circumstances which are easily verifiable and more likely than not the manner in which young people "kick it" now a days. As a current teacher in the local urban school system for over 25 years and a parent, I can tell anyone with some authority that this young man's story is more the norm than the extraordinary. Considering what he,(Kevin)will be confronted with as he tries to be a father to his child, I think his decision is heroic to come forward against the "powers that be", but like other bloggers have shared, he needs to "WATCH HIS BACK". The Palin family and her surrogates are already figuring out how to silence him.

CB said...

I've lost a lot of respect for Dr. Watkins for posting this. I'm not sure how anything productive can come of posting this and asking people, none of whom have any actual knowledge of what happened, to speculate about whether this young man is the father of Bristol's baby. There are far more important issues to discuss this election year - legitimate criticisms of the McCain/Palin ticket - that aren't going to be addressed by posting this video and asking for uninformed, ridiculous conjecture.

Dr. Watkins, put your influence to better use.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, he never said that he believes it is true. But do you really think that it's not possible? They refuse to let this guy have a DNA test!

Anonymous said...

The racist above us shows what the Republicans are all about.

T O said...

Never mind 'em Dr. Watkins. Some folks just don't understand how this story, if legitimate, could completely alter the focus, map and direction of this race. Any Investigative Journalists out here?

Anonymous said...

This man's word is as good as Palin's, since the country doesn't know anything about either one of them.

fennell7 said...

I feel that there is some truth to this young mans story,I hope that someone will take this young man seriously and watch his back and be there for support for him,it is amazing how reporters are flocking out at this young man residence and not one report of it on any news station BLACK OR WHITE,this is a issue and must be address we are talking about the possiblity of dishonesty and we cannot have a PRESIDENT OR VICE PRESIDENT covering up something like this if this is cabable of coverup what else would be,this issue is very important.

Anonymous said...

Do you dumb jigs believe there is "some truth to this young mans story?"


Anonymous said...

And so are signifying jigs. Funny how no on commented on the Larry Sinclair story. I think that McCain is going to put to sleep this Obama nonsense. I'm just wondering how many of our cities will erupt into riots once America lets "you people" know how we really feel about you.

T O said...

Well, Well, Well, turns out the brother was only trying to make a common sense - though opportunistically - point:


Anonymous said...

whats this? no more thoughts on that so-called jig babies daddy. watermellon got yalls tounge?

Anonymous said...

I just read that CNN is working to confirm the story. There may be some truth to this.

Anonymous said...

Like I asked on the other thread do you have a link???

Anonymous said...

The link to the video is above. You have to find a link proving that he is lying.

Anonymous said...

You believe everything you hear? Or just what you want to believe?

Anonymous said...

No one is saying that what he says is true. However, we are giving his word as much credibility as Sarah Palin and her daughter. We don't know much about any of these people and they could all be liars.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can be a liar. To include you Big Earl so why should I believe anything that you post? See how easy that was. Its called an ad hominem attack. People who are losing the argument usually resort to using them. Anyway I don't see how this is newsworthy. Dr. Boyce is entering the "National Enquirer" realm of blogging. So much for serious stuff...Peace

Anonymous said...

White boy, there is a difference between calling someone a liar and assuming that they may or may not be telling the truth. You don't know jack about the brother who posted the video.

Anonymous said...

"White boy, there is a difference between calling someone a liar and assuming that they may or may not be telling the truth. You don't know jack about the brother who posted the video."

See the above definition for ad hominem. Btw what makes you think I'm white? Or worried about your ignorant black-ass? Lets try to stay away from name typing. Its so juvenile.

Anonymous said...

The white boy hasn't left yet? Well, he does make things interesting. I'm almost curious about what the little monkey is going to say next.

Anonymous said...

Little monkey??? I think that term is used exclusively for niggeros.